§ 3.905. Action by the Planning Commission.  

Latest version.
  • The Planning Commission may grant, grant with conditions, or deny any application after conducting a public hearing. The Planning Commission may place any conditions which are deemed necessary to mitigate potential impacts and insure compatibility of the use with surrounding development and the city as a whole, and which are required to preserve the public health, safety and general welfare. These conditions may include but are not limited to:


    Requirements for setbacks, open spaces, buffers, fences or walls, and landscaping to mitigate conflicts from visual, noise, lighting and similar impacts associated with the use;


    Dedication of street or other public rights-of-way, and control in location of access points and on-site circulation to mitigate traffic impacts from increased volumes or nature of traffic activity associated with the use;


    Regulations pertaining to hours of operation, methods of operation, and phasing of the development of the site to mitigate impacts to surrounding properties and the neighborhood;


    Time limits on the duration of the permit to determine if the use, after a temporary period of operation, is materially detrimental or to evaluate whether changed conditions in the neighborhood effect the capability of the use to continue to adequately mitigate impacts to the surrounding area or the city as a whole.

(Ord. No. 1772, 6-23-93)