§ 3.909. Revocation.  

Latest version.
  • Failure to comply with the conditions, stipulations, or terms of the approval of an approved conditional use, is a violation of this ordinance and will be enforced as such. Repeated offenses shall be cause for revocation in the following manner:

    The Planning Commission shall notify, by certified mail, the holder of the conditional use permit of the intention to conduct a hearing to consider the revocation of the conditional use permit. Notice shall be postmarked at least fifteen (15) days prior to the date of the scheduled hearing. At the hearing the Planning Commission shall consider evidence from all interested parties and after consideration of all available information may revoke the conditional use permit if it is determined that conditions, stipulations, or terms of the approved conditional use permit have not been met.

(Ord. No. 1772, 6-23-93; Ord. No. 2590, § 3, 10-9-07)