§ 3.931. Temporary Restraint of Demolition.

Latest version.
  • A process is established for the review of proposed demolitions of structures which are located in areas where an application for Historic Preservation District designation is under consideration.


    A demolition permit shall not be issued for any property under application for Historic Preservation District zoning unless first approved by the Historic Preservation Officer, the Historic Preservation Commission, or the City Council on appeal. This shall apply from the time the application is filed or initiated until final action is taken on the application by the City Council. This period shall not exceed one (1) year. Requests for demolition permits shall be referred to the Historic Preservation Officer.


    The Historic Preservation Officer may administratively grant approval if the subject building clearly is of minimal historic or architectural significance because of its location, condition, modifications, or other factors, and its demolition will be inconsequential to the historic preservation needs of the area.


    If the Historic Preservation Officer finds that the subject property does not clearly meet the conditions set forth in Subsection B of this section, the request for demolition shall be scheduled for public hearing before the Historic Preservation Commission to allow the commission to determine if the factors allowing for demolition have been met and for consideration of economic hardship factors.


    The Historic Preservation Commission shall review the decision of the Historic Preservation Officer in light of the evidence presented at the hearing. At the hearing, the HP Commission shall either grant or deny the request. The request shall be granted only if the applicant demonstrates that:


    The building is of minimal historic or architectural significance because of its location, condition, modifications, or other factors, and its demolition will be inconsequential to the historic preservation needs of the area; or


    The denial of the demolition permit will result in an economic hardship to the property owner according to Section 6.405 of this ordinance.


    The Historic Preservation Commission shall conduct a public hearing within sixty (60) days of the date of the formal request for a demolition permit. Notice of the application shall be posted on the property at least fifteen (15) days before the hearing. The request shall be deemed approved if the initial hearing by the HP Commission is not held within the required sixty (60) days or if the HP Commission has not made a final decision within one hundred eighty (180) days of the formal request for a demolition permit.


    The Historic Preservation Commission's decision shall be final unless appealed by either the applicant or any aggrieved person within seven (7) working days of the action. If appealed, the matter shall be set for a public hearing before the City Council at their next available meeting. Notice of the hearing shall be posted on the property fifteen (15) days prior to the hearing. The City Council shall limit its review of the case to the record of the HP Commission; as established by the staff report, any exhibits, minutes and/or transcripts, and any audio/visual tape of the proceedings. New testimony will not be accepted for consideration; however, each side may make a limited presentation on the evidence in the record of the HP Commission. Such presentation shall be limited to a maximum of five (5) minutes per side unless greater time is granted by the Mayor. Except as otherwise provided in this article, City Council members who review written communications or engage in verbal communications which are not part of the HP Commission's record shall disclose any such communications during the appeal public hearing. The City Council must make its decision within sixty (60) days of the filing of an appeal or the application is deemed approved. At this public hearing, the City Council may do one (1) of the following:


    Affirm the decision of the Historic Preservation Commission;


    Reverse the decision of the Historic Preservation Commission; or


    Remand the application to the Historic Preservation Commission for reconsideration.


    In the event demolition approval is denied, no permit for demolition shall be issued for one (1) year from the date of the Historic Preservation Commission's initial hearing on the subject property unless a subsequent demolition approval has been requested and granted. If Historic Preservation District zoning has not been placed on the property at the time of expiration of the one (1) year, the Historic Preservation Officer shall grant demolition approval.


    At the time of adoption of Historic Preservation District zoning, the temporary restraint of demolition and any stays of demolition in effect shall expire. Demolition at that time shall be regulated by Section 6.406 of this ordinance.


    Demolition approval may be conditioned on stipulations which provide for rights of access to the property for the purposes of documentation or for agreed upon removal of artifacts.


    A request for a demolition permit shall be exempt from these requirements if the Building Safety Director determines, and the Historic Preservation Officer has been notified in writing, that the building currently is an imminent hazard to the public safety and that necessary repairs would be impractical.

(Ord. No. 1772, 6-23-93; Ord. No. O17-51, §§ 2, 3, 10-24-17)

Editor's note

Ord. No. O17-51, §§ 2, 3, adopted Oct. 24, 2017, added Section 3.920, and in so doing renumbered former Sections 3.920 and 3.921 as Sections 3.930 and 3.931, as set out herein.