§ 6.402. Effect of Historic Preservation (HP) Zoning Designation.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    The Historic Preservation District is an overlay zone. Permitted uses and development standards shall be regulated by the underlying zoning district.


    The development standards for the underlying zoning district may be superseded by the design guidelines adopted at the time of the district designation. This includes, but is not limited to, the size, height, locations and number of signs, the location of off-street parking, required screening and landscaping, the height of fences and walls, and the number of required off-street parking and loading spaces.


    When a building permit is sought from the City to demolish, alter, remodel, move, build, or otherwise develop or landscape property in a Historic Preservation District, issuance of the permit shall be deferred until after a Certificate of No Effect is issued by the Historic Preservation Officer or a Certificate of Appropriateness is obtained from the Historic Preservation Commission.


    Plans showing the scope of the proposed work shall be submitted at the time of application for a Certificate of No Effect or a Certificate of Appropriateness. An approved plan shall be binding upon the applicant and their successors and assignees. No building permit shall be issued for any building or structure not in accordance with the plan, except that temporary facilities shall be permitted in conjunction with construction. No structure or other element specified on the plan shall be eliminated, altered, or provided in another manner, unless an amendment is approved in conjunction with the procedures for original approval.


    Nothing in this ordinance shall be construed to prevent ordinary maintenance or repair, including painting, of any structure in the Historic Preservation District, which does not alter or modify the historic character of the structure.

(Ord. No. 1772, 6-23-93)