§ 6.951. Intent and Applicability.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    Intent. It is the intent of the Sonorita Community Overlay District to acknowledge the historical residential use in the area, promote the continuance and limited expansion of single-family residential uses by encouraging the maintenance and improvement of the residential environment, protecting and improving the vitality of the community. The Overlay District encourages continued residential uses in the community.

    It is also the intent to facilitate single-family residential redevelopment in the Sonorita community. The Sonorita Community Overlay District will facilitate a development review process which encourages redevelopment and residential additions; will employ strategies to balance the protection of the existing community with new development; provides flexibility to implement unique development standards in the community; allows certain land uses to support investment and opportunity.

    It is the intent of the Sonorita Community Overlay District to permit residential uses and establish residential development standards in addition to the existing permitted uses and development standards within the existing zoning district.

    The Sonorita Community Overlay District does not hinder a property owner's ability to utilize existing zoning.


    Applicability. The Sonorita Community Overlay District will apply only to the geographic area bounded by Grand Avenue on the north and east, Maryland Avenue on the south, and 59 th Avenue on the west.

(Ord. No. O18-85, § 1, 12-11-18)