§ 7.103. Prohibited signs.  

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  • Any sign not specifically listed as permitted by this ordinance is prohibited, including, but not limited to the following:


    Signs located within, on, or projecting over any public street, right-of-way, or other public property, except shingle signs and projecting signs as provided in Sections 7.104 C and D. The City may install signs on its own property to identify public buildings and uses, to provide necessary traffic control, and to provide pedestrian directional signs and map directional signs in the PR Zoning District as outlined in Section 7.104 D.


    Roof signs.


    Projecting signs, except in the Pedestrian Retail (PR) and Glendale Centerline Overlay District (Overlay District) Zoning Districts as provided for in Section 7.104 D.


    Any sign which interferes with or confuses traffic, or presents a traffic hazard.


    Signs emitting sound. This shall not apply to drive-up menu boards provided for in Section 7.104 C.5.


    Signs with intermittent or flashing illumination, except Digital Billboard Signs, and animated or moving signs.


    Awning mounted signs, unless painted directly on the face of the awning.


    Signs mounted, attached, or painted on trailers, boats, or motor vehicles when parked, stored, or displayed in a manner intended to attract the attention of the public for advertising purposes.


    Pennants, banners, balloons, flags, and similar displays except as provided in Section 7.105.


    Temporary signs which advertise a business, commodity, service, entertainment, product, or attraction, except as permitted in Section 7.105.


    Reader panel signs except as specifically authorized herein. Any sign which permits the change of electronic or manual copy and is changed more frequently than on a daily basis which is not a Digital Billboard Sign shall be considered a reader panel sign.


    Portable signs except as provided in Section 7.105.


    Signs which extend below the bottom edge of a fascia board or mansard roof.


    Billboard Signs and Digital Billboard Signs are prohibited on property located within the Scenic Corridor.

(Ord. No. 1772, 6-23-93; Ord. No. 1874, § 1, 3-12-96; Ord. No. 2773, § 2, 6-14-11; Ord. No. 2805, § 2, 6-26-12; Ord. No. 2976, § 4, 2-23-16)