§ 7.104. Permitted Permanent Signs.  

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  • Permitted signs shall conform to the definitions in Section 2.300 and the specific provisions for each zoning district. The following signs are permitted:


    Agricultural and Residence Districts.




    This applies to all signs in the A-1, SR-30, SR-17, SR-12, R1-10, R1-8, R1-7, R1-6, R1-4, R-2, R-3, R-4, and R-5 zoning districts.


    Freestanding signs shall not exceed a height of five (5) feet.


    Wall signs shall not exceed a height of fifteen (15) feet.


    The base of any freestanding sign shall have an aggregate width of at least fifty (50) percent of the width of the sign.


    Identification Signs:


    Residence signs: one (1) or more wall signs not to exceed a total aggregate area of three (3) square feet shall be permitted. The sign may include only the name of the residence, the name of the occupant, and the street address.


    Commercial farm or ranch signs: One (1) or more wall signs not to exceed a total aggregate area of eight (8) square feet shall be permitted. The sign may include only the name of the farm or ranch and a street address.


    Multiple residence development, mobile home park, and subdivision entrance signs: a maximum of two (2) freestanding signs with an aggregate area of twenty-four (24) square feet shall be permitted at each main entrance. The sign may include only the name of the development and the street address.


    Nonresidential uses:


    The maximum aggregate area of all identification signs shall not exceed forty-eight (48) square feet.


    One (1) freestanding sign shall be permitted with a maximum area of twenty-four (24) square feet.


    Wall, fascia, mansard, and parapet signs may identify the facility, building, or organization by name or by name and principal activity when the name alone does not identify the general nature of the use. The street address may also be included.


    A freestanding sign may include only the name of the facility, building, or organization it is intended to identify. Such sign shall not include any advertising copy. The sign must include the number of the street address, but the area of these numerals shall not be included in calculating the allowed sign area.


    Reader Panel Signs:


    Churches may use up to one-half (½) of the allowed freestanding sign area for a reader panel.


    Public and private, elementary and secondary schools, and community colleges may have one (1) freestanding reader panel sign not to exceed thirty-two (32) square feet in area and fourteen (14) feet in height.


    Directional signs when required to assist the flow of traffic not to exceed six (6) square feet in area or a height of three (3) feet. Such signs may include identification wording or symbols on up to twenty-five (25) percent of the sign area.


    Directory signs when required for multiple residence developments or other permitted facilities containing multiple tenants or building groups as follows:


    Each directory shall be illuminated with a maximum area of eighteen (18) square feet and a maximum height of six (6) feet.


    The number and location of the signs must comply with fire department requirements.


    Temporary signs in accordance with Section 7.105.


    Office Districts.


    General. This applies to all signs in the R-O, C-O, and G-O zoning districts.


    Wall, fascia, mansard, and parapet identification signs.


    These signs shall not exceed a height of fifteen (15) feet.


    The maximum sign area permitted per building shall be twenty-four (24) square feet in the R-O and C-O districts and forty-eight (48) square feet in the G-O district.


    Such sign may identify the individual businesses, building complex, or center, by name. The sign may show the name of the business and up to three (3) principal services when the name alone does not identify the general nature of the business. It may include the street address. Such sign shall not include advertising copy.


    The maximum sign area permitted per building shall be one-hundred (100) square feet in the C-O and G-O districts for any office building which exceeds ten-thousand (10,000) square feet or more and is located on a site with three-hundred thirty (330) lineal feet or more of continuous frontage on an arterial street, and the sign face cannot be seen from residential districts. The maximum sign area per tenant shall not exceed forty (40) square feet on any building elevation.


    Major medical center:


    Wall, fascia, mansard, parapet, and awning signs are allowed only on the exterior elevation of the space occupied by the business or service.


    The sign area shall not exceed one (1) square foot for each linear foot of the business wall elevation along the street frontage on which the sign is displayed.


    The maximum aggregate sign area is six hundred (600) square feet per major medical center.


    No more than two (2) of these signs shall be permitted per building or structure.


    These signs may identify the name of the major medical center and up to three (3) principal departments, businesses, offices, or services in the major medical center. Such sign shall not include any advertising copy.


    Freestanding Identification Signs.


    One (1) freestanding sign shall be permitted per project.


    The sign shall not exceed a height of five (5) feet.


    The sign shall not exceed a height of eight (8) feet in the C-O and G-O districts when the project includes a building of ten-thousand (10,000) square feet or more and the site has a minimum of three-hundred thirty (330) lineal feet of continuous frontage on an arterial street.


    The base shall have an aggregate width at least fifty percent (50%) of the width of the sign.


    The maximum sign area in the C-O and G-O districts is forty-eight (48) square feet when the project includes a building of ten-thousand (10,000) square feet or more and the site has a minimum of three-hundred thirty (330) lineal feet of continuous frontage on an arterial street.


    The maximum sign area in the R-O district is twelve (12) square feet. The maximum sign area in the C-O and G-O districts is twenty-four (24) square feet on parcels up to two (2) acres and thirty-six (36) square feet for parcels over two (2) acres.


    Single tenant buildings: The sign may include only the name of the business or building it is intended to identify. Such sign shall not include any advertising copy.


    Multi-tenant buildings and complexes: The sign may identify the name of the building or complex and the name of up to three (3) businesses within the building or complex. However, when a business name is included in the name of the complex, only two (2) additional businesses may be identified. Such sign shall not include any advertising copy.


    The sign must include the number of the street address, but the area of these numerals shall not be included in calculating the allowed sign area.


    Major medical center:


    One (1) freestanding sign shall be permitted per project, with the following exception for multiple street frontages:


    One (1) sign may be permitted for each street if the frontage adjacent to the site is at least three-hundred thirty (330) feet.


    Two (2) signs may be permitted for each street if the frontage adjacent to the site is at least eight hundred (800) feet. The minimum distance between two (2) signs on the same street frontage shall be three-hundred thirty (330) feet.


    The sign shall not exceed a height of twelve (12) feet. A maximum of two (2) additional feet may be devoted to architectural embellishments. The architectural embellishment cannot include any signage.


    The base shall have an aggregate width of at least fifty percent (50%) of the width of the sign.


    The maximum sign area for each sign is seventy-two (72) square feet.


    These signs may identify the name of the major medical center and up to three (3) principal departments, businesses, offices, or services in the major medical center. Such sign shall not include any advertising copy.


    Reader Panel Signs: Churches may use up to one-half (½) of the allowed freestanding sign area for a reader panel.


    Directional signs when required to assist the flow of traffic not to exceed six (6) square feet in area or a height of three (3) feet. Such signs may include business identification by word or symbol on up to twenty-five percent (25%) of the sign area.


    Directory signs when required to identify the location of the various buildings or offices located within the complex as follows:


    Each directory shall be illuminated with a maximum area of eighteen (18) square feet and a maximum height of six (6) feet.


    The number and location of the signs must comply with Fire Department requirements.


    Major medical center:


    The sign shall not exceed a height of eight (8) feet.


    The maximum sign area for each sign is thirty (30) square feet.


    Each sign shall be set back at least fifty (50) feet from a perimeter property line of the major medical center.


    Temporary signs in accordance with Section 7.105.


    Hospital Emergency Signs.


    Freestanding identification signs:


    Copy that identifies a hospital emergency facility is permitted on any of the freestanding identification signs permitted in Section 7.104 B.3.j above. This copy shall be in addition to any other departments, businesses, offices, or services identified on the sign.


    A maximum of two (2) freestanding signs shall be permitted for identification of a hospital emergency facility only. These signs are in addition to signs permitted in Section 7.104 B.3.j above.


    The sign shall not exceed a height of six (6) feet.


    The maximum sign area shall be ten (10) square feet.


    Wall signs:


    Two (2) signs shall be permitted per hospital emergency facility.


    The maximum sign area for each wall sign is thirty (30) square feet.


    The signs may be located on a separate feature or structure.


    Commercial and Industrial Districts except Pedestrian Retail District (PR) and Glendale Centerline Overlay District (Overlay District).


    General. This applies to all signs in the SC, C-1, NSC, C-2, CSC, C-3, B-P, M-1, and M-2 zoning districts unless otherwise restricted.


    For buildings with single retail use with a gross floor area less than one hundred fifty thousand (150,000) square feet.


    Wall, fascia, mansard, parapet, awning, and shingle identification signs.


    Wall, fascia, mansard, parapet, and awning signs are allowed only on the exterior elevation of the space occupied by the business. A shingle sign must be located immediately adjacent to the business it identifies.


    The sign area for each business shall not exceed one (1) square foot for each linear foot of the business wall elevation along the street frontage on which the sign is displayed.


    Businesses on a separate parcel or lot, or on a pad site within a project of three (3) or more businesses, shall be permitted sign area as described in 2b above for any one (1) elevation, with sign area on all other elevations not to exceed one-half (½) square foot for each linear foot of elevation where the sign is displayed (see Figure SA-2).


    The maximum aggregate sign area is two hundred (200) square feet per business.


    Such sign may identify the individual businesses, building complex, or center by name. The sign may show the name of the business and up to three (3) principal services when the name alone does not identify the general nature of the business. It may also include the street address.

    Such sign shall not include advertising copy.


    Awning Signs:


    A maximum of twenty-five percent (25%) of the front face area of an awning may be used for signage.


    The sign area shall be measured according to Section 7.102 F.2. of this ordinance unless a distinctive background is provided.


    If letters or graphics are placed on the valance, they shall not be placed elsewhere on the awning.


    Only the face area of the letters or graphics may be illuminated. Any illumination must be internal, behind the face of the awning.


    Shingle Signs:


    One (1) shingle sign which is designed and oriented primarily for the aid of pedestrians may be allowed per business.


    The minimum clearance between the bottom of the sign and the nearest grade or sidewalk shall be seven (7) feet, six (6) inches.


    For buildings with single retail uses with a gross floor area greater than one hundred fifty thousand (150,000) square feet:


    Wall, fascia, mansard, parapet, and awning signs are allowed only on the exterior elevations of the space occupied by the business on street frontages that access the property.


    The sign area for each single retail use shall not exceed a maximum of four hundred fifty (450) square feet. The sign area shall include all wall parapet and awning signage.


    The maximum size of any single wall sign shall not exceed two hundred (200) square feet.


    When the wall on which a sign is to be placed is within one hundred fifty (150) feet of a residential zoning district, only non-illuminated signs shall be permitted.


    Such signs may identify the individual businesses, building complex, or center by name. The sign may show the name of the business and up to five (5) principal services when the name alone does not identify the general nature of the business. It may also include the street address. Such signage shall not include advertising copy.


    Freestanding Identification Signs.




    The sign must include the number of the street address. The minimum height of the numerals shall be six (6) inches and the maximum height shall be twelve (12) inches. The area of these numerals shall not be included in calculating the allowed sign area.


    Single Tenant Buildings.


    One (1) freestanding sign shall be permitted per project, with the following exception for multiple street frontages:


    One (1) sign may be permitted for each street if the frontage adjacent to the site is at least three hundred and thirty (330) feet.


    Two (2) signs may be permitted for each street if the frontage adjacent to the site is at least eight hundred (800) feet. The minimum distance between two signs on the same street frontage shall be three hundred and thirty (330) feet.


    The sign shall not exceed a height of ten (10) feet.


    The base shall have an aggregate width of at least fifty (50) percent of the width of the sign.


    The maximum sign area for each sign is forty-eight (48) square feet on parcels up to twenty (20) acres and sixty (60) square feet for parcels over twenty (20) acres.


    The sign may identify only the name of the business or building it is intended to identify. Such sign shall not include any advertising copy.


    Dual Tenant Buildings.


    Dual tenant buildings on an independent site that is not part of a shopping center project shall be permitted one (1) freestanding sign, with the following exception for multiple street frontages:


    One (1) sign may be permitted for each street if the frontage adjacent to the site is at least three hundred and thirty (330) feet.


    Two (2) signs may be permitted for each street if the frontage adjacent to the site is at least eight hundred (800) feet. The minimum distance between two signs on the same street frontage shall be three hundred and thirty (330) feet.


    The sign shall not exceed a height of ten (10) feet.


    The base shall have an aggregate width of at least fifty (50) percent of the width of the sign.


    The maximum sign area for each sign is forty-eight (48) square feet on parcels up to twenty (20) acres and sixty (60) square feet for parcels over twenty (20) acres.


    The sign may identify only the name of the business or building it is intended to identify. Such sign shall not include any advertising copy.


    A fast food establishment within a convenience store must meet the following criteria to be considered a business for identification purposes:


    The fast food establishment must have an outdoor service window, a drive-thru window, or inside service counter which is dedicated exclusively to that franchise.


    The fast food establishment must have at least one (1) full-time employee.


    The building floor area devoted exclusively to the fast food establishment shall not be less than one hundred (100) square feet.


    Multi-tenant buildings in the B-P, M-1, and M-2 zoning districts.


    One (1) freestanding sign shall be permitted per project, with the following exception for multiple street frontages:


    One (1) sign may be permitted for each street if the frontage adjacent to the site is at least three hundred and thirty (330) feet.


    Two (2) signs may be permitted for each street if the frontage adjacent to the site is at least eight hundred (800) feet. The minimum distance between two signs on the same street frontage shall be three hundred and thirty (330) feet.


    The sign shall not exceed a height of ten (10) feet.


    The base shall have an aggregate width of at least fifty (50) percent of the width of the sign.


    The maximum sign area for each sign is forty-eight (48) square feet on parcels up to twenty (20) acres and sixty (60) square feet for parcels over twenty (20) acres.


    The sign may identify the name of the building, complex, or center and the name of up to three (3) businesses within the building or complex. However, when a business name is included in the name of the complex, only two (2) additional businesses may be identified. Such sign shall not include any advertising copy.


    Multi-tenant buildings and shopping centers in SC, C-1, NSC, C-2, CSC and C-3 zoning districts.


    One (1) freestanding sign shall be permitted per project with the following exception for multiple street frontages:


    One (1) sign may be permitted for each street if the frontage adjacent to the site is at least three hundred thirty (330) feet,


    Two (2) signs may be permitted for each street if the frontage adjacent to the site is at least eight hundred (800) feet. The minimum distance between two signs on the same street frontage shall be three hundred thirty (330) feet.


    The sign shall not exceed a height of twelve (12) feet. A maximum of two additional feet may be devoted to architectural embellishments. The architectural embellishment cannot include any signage.


    The base shall have an aggregate width of at least fifty (50) percent of the width of the sign.


    The maximum sign area for multi-tenant shopping centers on parcels up to twenty (20) acres is eighty (80) square feet and one hundred ten (110) square feet for parcels over twenty (20) acres.


    The sign may identify the name of the building complex, or center and the names of a maximum of ten (10) tenants within the complex. Such signs shall not include any advertising copy.


    A fast food establishment within a convenience store must meet the following standards to be considered a business for identification purposes.


    The fast food establishment must have an outdoor service window, a drive-thru window, or inside service counter dedicated exclusively to that franchise.


    The fast food establishment must have at least one (1) full-time employee.


    The building floor area devoted exclusively to the fast food franchise shall not be less than one hundred (100) square feet.


    The height of letters used in identification of individual tenants shall be a minimum of four (4) inches.


    All multi-tenant signs shall be reviewed for compliance with the multi-tenant freestanding identification sign design guidelines.


    Reader Panel Signs.


    Churches may use up to one-half (½) of the allowed freestanding sign area for a reader panel.


    Gasoline service stations may use up to one-half (½) of the allowed freestanding sign area for a reader panel only to identify the current price of fuel being sold. The maximum sign area used for the reader panel shall be twenty-four (24) square feet.


    An automobile fueling station located in a shopping center project shall be permitted one (1) freestanding fuel reader panel sign, with the following exception for multiple street frontages. One (1) sign may be permitted for each street if the frontage adjacent to the site is at least three hundred and thirty (330) feet.


    Each fuel price reader panel sign shall have a maximum of sixteen (16) square feet of sign area.


    The reader panel sign area shall include a maximum of one-third ( 1/3 ) devoted to fuel grade or type and two-thirds ( 2/3 ) to fuel prices. This shall not include brand or business identification.


    The sign shall not exceed a height of six (6) feet.


    The base shall have an aggregate width of at least fifty (50) percent of the width of the sign.




    One (1) wall, fascia, mansard, or parapet sign may contain a reader panel.


    The area of the reader panel shall not exceed seventy-five (75) square feet or the maximum wall sign area otherwise allowed, whichever is less.


    The reader panel shall be used exclusively for the purpose of identifying entertainment, motion pictures, or special events which occur on the premises.


    Menu Boards for Drive-Thru Restaurants.


    One (1) preview menu board and one (1) ordering menu board is allowed per business. Such signs may be freestanding or wall mounted.


    The maximum aggregate area for a preview menu board and an ordering board per business, shall not exceed forty-five (45) square feet.


    The maximum sign height shall not exceed six (6) feet for freestanding signs.


    Directional signs when required to assist the flow of traffic not to exceed six (6) square feet in area or a height of three (3) feet. Such sign may include business identification by word or symbol on up to twenty-five (25) percent of the sign area.


    Directory signs when required to identify the location of the various buildings or businesses located within the center or complex as follows:


    Each directory shall be illuminated with a maximum area of eighteen (18) square feet and a maximum height of six (6) feet.


    The number and location of the signs must comply with Fire Department requirements.


    Temporary signs in accordance with Section 7.105.


    Pedestrian Retail and Glendale Centerline Overlay Districts.




    This applies to all signs in the PR and Overlay District Zoning Districts.


    All permanent signs in the PR and Overlay District Zoning Districts are subject to design review as outlined in Section 3.600.


    A wall, fascia, mansard, parapet, projecting, or window identification sign may identify the name of the business and up to three (3) principal services when the name alone does not identify the general nature of the business. It may also include the street address. Such signs shall not include advertising copy.


    Awning and shingle signs may only identify the name of the business.


    Wall, Fascia, Mansard, and Parapet, Identification Signs:


    A wall, fascia, mansard, or parapet sign is not permitted if a projecting sign is used to identify the business.


    A wall, fascia, mansard, or parapet sign is allowed only on the exterior elevation of the space occupied by the business.


    No more than one (1) wall, fascia, mansard, or parapet sign per business is permitted on each street or alley frontage.


    The sign area for each business shall be as follows:


    The sign area for each ground floor business on a street shall not exceed one (1) square foot for each linear foot of the business wall elevation along the street frontage on which the sign is displayed. If the business occupies the ground floor and an upper floor, the sign area shall be the same as for a ground floor only business.


    The sign area for each ground floor business on an alley shall not exceed one-half (½) square foot for each linear foot of the business wall elevation along the alley frontage on which the sign is displayed. If the business occupies the ground floor and an upper floor, the sign area shall be the same as for a ground floor only business.


    The sign area for a business located only on an upper floor shall not exceed one-half (½) square foot for each linear foot of the business wall elevation along the street or alley frontage on which the sign is displayed.


    Projecting Identification Signs:


    A projecting sign is not permitted if any wall, fascia, mansard, or parapet sign is used to identify the business.


    A projecting sign is allowed only for a ground floor business.


    A projecting sign is allowed only on the exterior elevation of the space occupied by the business.


    No more than one (1) projecting sign per business is permitted on each street or alley frontage.


    The sign area for each business shall be as follows:


    The sign area for each ground floor business on a street shall not exceed one (1) square foot for each linear foot of the business wall elevation along the street frontage on which the sign is displayed, up to a maximum of fifteen (15) square feet. If the business occupies the ground floor and an upper floor, the sign area shall be the same as for a ground floor only business.


    The sign area for each business on an alley shall not exceed one-half (½) square foot for each linear foot of the business wall elevation along the alley frontage on which the sign is displayed, up to a maximum of six (6) square feet. If the business occupies the ground floor and an upper floor, the sign area shall be the same as for a ground floor only business.


    The minimum separation between the sign and the face of the building shall be three (3) inches.


    The maximum sign projection from the face of the building shall be five (5) feet. No sign shall project beyond the bracket on which it is hung.


    On a one-story building, the top of the projecting sign and its supporting framework shall not be higher than the top of the cornice line. On a multiple story building, the top of the projecting sign and its supporting framework shall not be higher than the top of the second-story window sills of the building from which the sign projects.


    The sign shall be perpendicular to the building and attached to the bracket on which it is hung so that it will not swing.


    The minimum clearance between the bottom of the sign and the nearest grade or sidewalk shall be seven (7) feet six (6) inches.


    Window Identification Signs:


    The area covered by window signs shall not exceed fifty (50) percent of the exterior window area.


    Window signs on required exit doors shall not exceed twenty-five (25) percent of the glass area of the door.


    Awning Identification Signs:


    A maximum of fifty (50) percent of the valance area of the awning may be used for signage.


    The sign area shall be measured according to Section 7.102-F-2 of this ordinance unless a distinctive background is provided.


    Shingle Identification Signs:


    One (1) shingle sign which is designed and oriented for the aid of pedestrians is allowed per business. A shingle sign must be located immediately adjacent to the business it identifies.


    The maximum area of a shingle sign shall be three (3) square feet.


    The minimum clearance between the bottom of the sign and the nearest grade or sidewalk shall be seven (7) feet six (6) inches.


    Directory Signs:


    A directory sign is permitted when used to:


    Direct pedestrians to businesses within a building or complex which do not have an exterior wall elevation along a street or alley frontage; or


    To direct pedestrians to multiple businesses that use a single entrance.


    The directory sign shall have a maximum area of four (4) square feet.


    The directory sign shall be located at the entrance to the building or complex.


    Pedestrian Directional Signs:


    Directional signs for pedestrians indicating the type of businesses available in the immediate area are allowed subject to approval of a master directory sign plan by the city council. The master plan will address items such as the general design, location, and size of signs. Such signs shall not include advertising copy.


    These signs shall be located on street corners in the public right-of-way and be designed at a pedestrian scale.


    The specific design, location, and size of each sign will be determined through the design review process outlined in Section 3.600 based on the approved master directory sign plan.


    Map Directory Signs:


    Map directory signs intended to show pedestrians the overall location of businesses, public buildings, recreational facilities, and other features in the PR and Overlay Districts are allowed, subject to approval of a master directory sign plan by the city council. The master plan will address items such as the general design, location, and size of signs. Such signs shall not include advertising copy.


    These signs shall show a map of the area and the location of individual businesses and be designed at a pedestrian scale.


    The maximum sign area shall be twenty-four (24) square feet.


    The specific design, location, and size of each sign will be determined through the design review process outlined in Section 3.600 based on the approved master directory sign plan.


    A-Frame Signs:

    A-frame or sandwich board signs are permitted subject to the following conditions:


    Signs shall be located adjacent to the individual business for which they advertise.


    Shall provide a minimum five-foot clearance on the sidewalk.


    Are allowed to be a maximum of two (2) feet by three (3) feet.


    Cannot be placed in or on vehicles.

(Ord. No. 1772, 6-23-93; Ord. No. 1874, § 1, 3-12-96; Ord. No. 1901, 12-24-96; Ord. No. 1932, § 1, 3-25-97; Ord. No. 1935, § 1, 4-22-97; Ord. No. 1988, § 1, 2-10-98; Ord. No. 1999, § 1, 4-14-98; Ord. No. 2177, § 5, 12-19-00; Ord. No. 2254, § 1, 5-14-02; Ord. 2280, § 2, 10-22-02; Ord. No. 2372, § 1, 3-23-04; Ord. No. 2773, § 2, 6-14-11)