§ 18-1. Definitions.  

Latest version.
  • The following words, terms and phrases, when used in this chapter, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning:

    Administrator means the city manager or his delegate.

    Animal waste means waste from stables, kennels, pet pens, chicken coops, veterinary establishments and others of a similar nature and household pet waste.

    Ashes means all solid residue from the burning of combustible waste.

    Bin means a container that can hold one-half (0.5) to forty (40) cubic yards of refuse or recyclable material.

    Bulk trash means solid waste that is too large to be contained in a bin. "Bulk trash" may include, but is not limited to, oversize or overweight refuse not capable of being disposed of in a bin or container, such as tree limbs, branches, palm fronds, hedge clippings, shrubs, scrap metal, pipes less than one (1) inch in diameter, appliances, furniture, cardboard boxes or other items exceeding five (5) feet in length,

    Business establishment means any public or private place, building or structure utilized to conduct a business, commercial or industrial enterprise. Business establishments may include hotels, motels, motor inns, and other buildings or structures that provide lodging for travelers and long term care facility/nursing homes as defined in this chapter. "Business establishment" shall not include any "residential property" as defined elsewhere in this article.

    Combustible waste means solid waste or refuse that is susceptible to catching fire or burns at ordinary incinerator operating temperatures. Combustible waste may also include the organic component of refuse.

    Commercial solid waste service means refuse collection or recycling service provided to any business establishment.

    Compactor bin means a metal container attached to a stationary refuse compaction unit.

    Construction and demolition wastes means solid waste derived from the construction, repair, remodeling, destruction or demolition of buildings or other structures.

    Customer account means the account established by the city to bill and collect fees for solid waste service. A customer may establish a residential or commercial account.

    Dispose or disposal means discarding, abandoning, dumping, spilling, injecting, leaking, depositing, placing or discharging solid waste into or on land or water.

    Garbage means all putrescible animal and vegetable wastes resulting from preparation or handling of food, including discarded food stuff and food packaging material.

    Generator means a person who, by virtue of ownership, management or control, is responsible for causing or allowing to be caused the creation of solid waste.

    Hazardous waste means garbage, refuse, sludge from a waste treatment plant, water supply treatment plant or air pollution control facility, or other discarded materials, including solid, liquid, semisolid or contained gaseous material, resulting from industrial, commercial, mining and agricultural operations or from community activities which because of its quantity, concentration or physical, chemical or infectious characteristics may cause or significantly contribute to an increase in mortality or an increase in serious irreversible or incapacitating reversible illness or pose a substantial present or potential hazard to human health or the environment if improperly treated, stored, transported, disposed of or otherwise managed or any waste identified as hazardous pursuant to A.R.S. section 49-922.

    Long term care facility/nursing home means any business establishment licensed by the State of Arizona as a long term care facility or nursing home to provide housing, assisted living and/or other long term medical treatment or personal care to elderly, sick or disabled residents. "Care" may include providing food, shelter, assistance with personal hygiene or other daily needs, and skilled nursing care.

    Medical waste means any solid waste which is generated in the diagnosis, treatment or immunization of a human being or animal or in any research relating to that diagnosis, treatment or immunization, or in the production or testing of biologicals, and includes discarded drugs but does not include hazardous waste as defined in section 49-921 other than conditionally exempt small quantity generator waste. "Medical waste" may include human or animal tissue, any part of a human or animal body that has been removed by surgery, and any contaminated material such as facial tissues, bandages, and hypodermic needles.

    Multi-family residential properties means any real property that has one or more structures and that contains five or more dwelling units for rent or lease that are subject to title 33, chapter 10 of the Arizona Revised Statutes.

    Non-combustible waste means solid waste or refuse that is not susceptible to catching fire or otherwise does not burn at ordinary incinerator operating temperatures. Non-combustible waste may also include the inorganic component of refuse.

    Non-hazardous liquid waste means all liquid waste not defined as a hazardous waste by state or federal statute, law or regulation.

    Plastic bag means a disposable bag manufactured either from polyethylene or ethylene copolymer resin of an approved thickness, used for the purpose of containing household refuse.

    Person means any public or private corporation, company, partnership, firm, association or society of persons, the federal government and any of its departments or agencies, this state or any of its agencies, departments, political subdivisions, counties, towns or municipal corporations, as well as a natural person.

    Recycling means the process of collecting, separating, cleansing, treating and reconstituting post-consumer materials that would otherwise become solid or liquid waste and returning them to the economic stream in the form of raw material for reconstituted products which meet the quality standards required for use in the marketplace, but does not include incineration or other similar processes (A.R.S. § 49-831).

    Recyclable material means both liquid and solid recyclable material.

    Recyclable material (liquid) means any liquid refuse produced by a generator which can be reused through a recycling process.

    Recyclable material (solid) means any solid refuse produced by a generator which can be reused through a recycling process.

    Recycling container means a container, bin, can or box approved by the Administrator that can be used in a recycling or waste reduction program on public or private property within the City of Glendale.

    Refuse means all solid waste produced by a generator, including putrescible and non-putrescible wastes, organic and inorganic wastes, combustible and noncombustible wastes, recyclable material being discarded by the producer, and liquid nonhazardous wastes, but does not include hazardous waste, medical waste or human body waste from sources other than septic tanks or chemical toilets.

    Refuse container means a bin, can, mechanized collection container, bag, or cardboard box as specified herein.

    Residential property means any property used as a non-transient residential dwelling unit or units, including any single-family dwelling, duplex, triplex, four-plex, condominium, cooperative, townhouse, mobile home park, trailer park, rooming house, or boarding house. Residential property excludes any "multi-family residential properties" as defined elsewhere in this article and any building or structure defined elsewhere in this article as a "business establishment."

    Residential solid waste service means refuse collection or recyclable material collection service provided to all residential properties.

    Solid waste fee means a fee or service charge assessed for any solid waste services provided.

    Solid waste inspector means a city employee or authorized representative who has been assigned responsibility for the inspection of public and private properties so that compliance with the provisions, rules and regulations of this chapter may be assured.

    Solid waste service means refuse collection or recyclable material collection service provided to residential properties or business establishments.

    Solid waste management means the systematic administration of activities that provide for the collection, source separation, storage, transportation, transfer, processing, treatment or disposal of solid waste in a manner that protects public health, public safety and the environment and prevents environmental nuisances, as defined in A.R.S. § 49-701.

    Store or Storage means the holding of a solid waste for a temporary period at the end of which the waste is treated, disposed of or stored elsewhere.

    Third party commercial solid waste service means refuse collection or recyclable material collection service provided by a person other than the city.

    Trash means all non-putrescible wastes consisting of both combustible and non-combustible solid waste material, excluding ashes.

    Treat or Treatment means any method, technique or process used to change the physical, chemical or biological character of solid waste so as to render that waste safer for transport, amenable for processing, amenable for storage or reduced in volume

(Ord. No. 2994, § 1(Exh. A), 6-28-16; Ord. No. O18-76, § 1(Exh. A), 10-23-18)