§ 18-32. Containers generally.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    For customers with city solid waste service:


    All residential properties within the city shall only use the city's curbside solid waste services for the collection and disposal of garbage, trash, refuse or other solid waste and for collection of recyclable material unless special arrangements have been made with the city by formal agreement in accordance with section 18-12(c)(2). Residential properties within the city shall not use any third party commercial solid waste service for solid waste management or recyclable material services.


    All residential properties within the city shall be provided with refuse and recycling containers used for the residential solid waste service. These containers shall only be provided by the city and shall be used for no other purpose than the collection of refuse and recyclable material. Any containers provided by the city for residential solid waste service shall remain the property of the city. The city shall replace any container that is damaged beyond use, lost or stolen. Additional containers may be obtained only from the city if the customer pays a delivery fee and an additional monthly service fee to the city for each additional container. The city shall maintain city-owned containers in good condition, except for cleaning.


    The customer shall be responsible for maintaining the containers in a safe and clean manner. If the administrator determines the container is not being maintained in a safe and clean manner, he may order the residential property owner or occupant to clean the container or the administrator may replace it. Any cleaning or replacement that is caused by the failure or neglect of the residential customer may result in the city imposing a fee on the customer account. The administrator or his designee shall determine the size and number of containers issued to a residential property or customer, and the location where the containers will be placed. Containers not obtained from the city will not be serviced by the city.


    For customers using third party commercial solid waste service:


    Business establishments shall have sufficient containers to collect, store, accumulate or otherwise contain refuse awaiting transport and disposal to an appropriate waste management facility, and to maintain a clean and sanitary condition on the premises. All containers or bins shall have a lid and be equipped with suitable handles, plates, or sleeves. Containers or bins shall be kept in good repair and shall be repaired or replaced when no longer serviceable. Containers or bins shall be cleaned at least once per year or more frequently if so ordered by the administrator.


    Containers or bins determined by the administrator to be unsafe, unserviceable or in an unsanitary condition, shall be removed from further use. The city may periodically inspect business establishments to ensure compliance with requirements relative to refuse containers and the sanitary containment of refuse.

(Ord. No. 2994, § 1(Exh. A), 6-28-16; Ord. No. O18-76, § 1(Exh. A), 10-23-18)