§ 21.1-100. General definitions.  

Latest version.
  • For the purposes of this chapter, the following definitions apply:

    "Assembler" means a person who unites or combines products, wares, or articles of manufacture so as to produce a change in form or substance of such items without changing or altering component parts.

    "Broker" means any person engaged or continuing in business who acts for another for a consideration in the conduct of a business activity taxable under this Chapter, and who receives for his principal all or part of the gross income from the taxable activity.

    " Business " includes all activities or acts, personal or corporate, engaged in or caused to be engaged in with the object of gain, benefit, or advantage, either directly or indirectly, but does not include either: casual activities or sales, or the transfer of electricity from a solar photovoltaic generation system to an electric utility distribution system.

    "Business Day" means any day of the week when the Tax Collector's office is open for the public to conduct the Tax Collector's business.

    "Casual Activity or Sale" means a transaction of an isolated nature made by a person who neither represents himself to be nor is engaged in a business subject to a tax imposed by this Chapter. However, no sale, rental, license for use, or lease transaction concerning real property nor any activity entered into by a business taxable by this Chapter shall be treated, or be exempt, as casual. This definition shall include sales of used capital assets, provided that the volume and frequency of such sales do not indicate that the seller regularly engages in selling such property.

    "Combined Taxes" means the sum of all applicable Arizona Transaction Privilege and Use Taxes; all applicable transportation taxes imposed upon gross income by this County as authorized by Article III, Chapter 6, Title 42, Arizona Revised Statutes; and all applicable taxes imposed by this Chapter.

    "Commercial Property" is any real property, or portion of such property, used for any purpose other than lodging or lodging space, including structures built for lodging but used otherwise, such as model homes, apartments used as offices, etc.

    "Communications Channel" means any line, wire, cable, microwave, radio signal, light beam, telephone, telegraph, or any other electromagnetic means of moving a message.

    "Construction Contracting" refers to the activity of a construction contractor.

    "Construction Contractor" means a person who undertakes to or offers to undertake to, or purports to have the capacity to undertake to, or submits a bid to, or does himself or by or through others, construct, alter, repair, add to, subtract from, improve, move, wreck, or demolish any building, highway, road, railroad, excavation, or other structure, project, development, or improvement to real property, or to do any part thereof. "Construction contractor" includes subcontractors, specialty contractors, prime contractors, and any person receiving consideration for the general supervision and/or coordination of such a construction project except for remediation contracting. This definition shall govern without regard to whether or not the construction contractor is acting in fulfillment of a contract.

    "Delivery (of Notice) by the Tax Collector" means "receipt (of notice) by the taxpayer".

    "Delivery, Installation, or Other Direct Customer Services" means services or labor, excluding repair labor, provided by a taxpayer to or for his customer at the time of transfer of tangible personal property; provided further that the charge for such labor or service is separately billed to the customer and maintained separately in the taxpayer's books and records.

    "Engaging" , when used with reference to engaging or continuing in business, includes the exercise of corporate or franchise powers.

    "Equivalent Excise Tax" means either:


    A Privilege or Use Tax levied by another Arizona municipality upon the transaction in question, and paid either to such Arizona municipality directly or to the vendor; or


    An excise tax levied by a political subdivision of a state other than Arizona upon the transaction in question, and paid either to such jurisdiction directly or to the vendor; or


    An excise tax levied by a Native American Government organized under the laws of the federal government upon the transaction in question, and paid either to such jurisdiction directly or to the vendor.

    "Federal Government" means the United States Government, its departments and agencies; but not including national banks or federally chartered or insured banks, savings and loan institutions, or credit unions.

    "Food" means any items intended for human consumption as defined by rules and regulations adopted by the Department of Revenue, State of Arizona, pursuant to A.R.S. § 42-5106. Under no circumstances shall "food" include alcoholic beverages or tobacco, or food items purchased for use in conversion to any form of alcohol by distillation, fermentation, brewing, or other process. Under no circumstances shall "food" include an edible product, beverage, or ingredient infused, mixed, or in any way combined with medical marijuana or an active ingredient of medical marijuana.

    "Hotel" means any public or private hotel, inn, hostelry, tourist home, house, motel, rooming house, apartment house, trailer, or other lodging place within the City offering lodging, wherein the owner thereof, for compensation, furnishes lodging to any transient, except foster homes, rest homes, sheltered care homes, nursing homes, or primary health care facilities.

    "Jet Fuel" means jet fuel as defined in A.R.S. § 42-5351.

    "Job Printing" means the activity of copying or reproducing an article by any means, process, or method.

    "Job printing" includes engraving of printing plates, embossing, copying, micrographics, and photo reproduction.

    "Lessee" includes the equivalent person in a rental or licensing agreement for all purposes of this Chapter.

    "Lessor" includes the equivalent person in a rental or licensing agreement for all purposes of this Chapter.

    "Licensing (for Use)" means any agreement between the user ("licensee") and the owner or the owner's agent ("licensor") for the use of the licensor's property whereby the licensor receives consideration, where such agreement does not qualify as a "sale" or "lease" or "rental" agreement.

    "Lodging (Lodging Space)" means any room or apartment in a hotel or any other provider of rooms, trailer spaces, or other residential dwelling spaces; or the furnishings or services and accommodations accompanying the use and possession of said dwelling space, including storage or parking space for the property of said tenant.

    "Manufactured Buildings" means a manufactured home, mobile home or factory built building, as defined in A.R.S. § 41-2142.

    "Manufacturer" means a person engaged or continuing in the business of fabricating, producing, or manufacturing products, wares, or articles for use from other forms of tangible personal property, imparting to such new forms, qualities, properties, and combinations.

    "Medical Marijuana" means "marijuana" used for a "medical use" as those terms are defined in A.R.S. § 36-2801.

    "Mining and Metallurgical Supplies" means all tangible personal property acquired by persons engaged in activities defined in Section 21.1-432 for such use. This definition shall not include:


    Janitorial equipment and supplies.


    Office equipment, office furniture, and office supplies.


    Motor vehicles licensed for use upon the highways of the State.

    "Modifier" means a person who reworks, changes, or adds to products, wares, or articles of manufacture.

    "Nonprofit Entity" means any entity organized and operated exclusively for charitable purposes, or operated by the Federal Government, the State, or any political subdivision of the State.

    "Occupancy (of Real Property)" means any occupancy or use, or any right to occupy or use, real property including any improvements, rights, or interests in such property.

    "Out-of-City Sale" means the sale of tangible personal property and job printing if all of the following occur:


    Transference of title and possession occur without the City; and


    The stock from which such personal property was taken was not within the corporate limits of the city; and


    The order is received at a permanent business location of the seller located outside the city; which location is used for the substantial and regular conduct of such business sales activity. In no event shall the place of business of the buyer be determinative of the situs of the receipt of the order.

    For the purpose of this definition it does not matter that all other indicia of business occur within the city, including, but not limited to, accounting, invoicing, payments, centralized purchasing, and supply to out-of-city storehouses and out-of-city retail branch outlets from a primary storehouse within the city.

    "Out-of-State Sale" means the sale of tangible personal property and job printing if all of the following occur:


    The order is placed from without the State of Arizona; and


    The property is delivered to the buyer at a location outside the State; and


    The property is purchased for use outside the State.

    "Owner-Builder" means an owner or lessor of real property who, by himself or by or through others, constructs or has constructed or reconstructs or has reconstructed any improvement to real property.

    "Person" means an individual, firm, partnership, joint venture, association, corporation, estate, trust, receiver, syndicate, broker, the Federal Government, this State, or any political subdivision or agency of this State. For the purposes of this Chapter, a person shall be considered a distinct and separate person from any general or limited partnership or joint venture or other association with which such person is affiliated. A subsidiary corporation shall be considered a separate person from its parent corporation for purposes of taxation of transactions with its parent corporation.

    " Prosthetic " means any of the following tangible personal property if such items are prescribed or recommended by a licensed podiatrist, chiropractor, dentist, physician or surgeon, naturopath, optometrist, osteopathic physician or surgeon, psychologist, hearing aid dispenser, physician assistant, nurse practitioner or veterinarian:


    Any man-made device for support or replacement of a part of the body, or to increase acuity of one of the senses. Such items include: prescription eyeglasses; contact lenses; hearing aids; artificial limbs or teeth; neck, back, arm, leg, or similar braces.


    Insulin, insulin syringes, and glucose test strips sold with or without a prescription.


    Hospital beds, crutches, wheelchairs, similar home health aids, or corrective shoes.


    Drugs or medicine, including oxygen.


    Equipment used to generate, monitor, or provide health support systems, such as respiratory equipment, oxygen concentrator, dialysis machine.


    Durable medical equipment which has a federal health care financing administration common procedure code, is designated reimbursable by Medicare, can withstand repeated use, is primarily and customarily used to serve a medical purpose, is generally not useful to a person in the absence of illness or injury and is appropriate for use in the home.


    Orthodontic devices dispensed by a dental professional who is licensed under Title 32. Chapter 11 to a patient as part of the practice of dentistry.


    Under no circumstances shall "prosthetic" include medical marijuana regardless of whether it is sold or dispensed pursuant to a prescription, recommendation, or written certification by any authorized person.

    "Qualifying Community Health Center"


    Means an entity that is recognized as nonprofit under 501(c)(3) of the United States Internal Revenue Code, that is a community-based, primary care clinic that has a community-based board of directors and that is either:


    The sole provider of primary care in the community.


    A nonhospital affiliated clinic that is located in a federally designated medically underserved area in this State.


    Includes clinics that are being constructed as qualifying community health centers.

    "Qualifying Health Care Organization" means an entity that is recognized as nonprofit under Section 501(c) of the United States Internal Revenue Code and that uses, saves or invests at least eighty percent (80%) of all monies that it receives from all sources each year only for health and medical related educational and charitable services, as documented by annual financial audits prepared by an independent certified public accountant, performed according to generally accepted accounting standards and filed annually with the Arizona Department of Revenue. Monies that are used, saved or invested to lease, purchase or construct a facility for health and medical related education and charitable services are included in the eighty percent (80%) requirement.

    "Qualifying hospital" means any of the following:


    A licensed hospital which is organized and operated exclusively for charitable purposes, no part of the net earnings of which inures to the benefit of any private shareholder or individual.


    A licensed nursing care institution or a licensed residential care institution or a residential care facility operated in conjunction with a licensed nursing care institution or a licensed kidney dialysis center, which provides medical services, nursing services or health related services and is not used or held for profit.


    A hospital, nursing care institution or residential care institution which is operated by the federal government, this State or a political subdivision of this State.


    A facility that is under construction and that on completion will be a facility under subdivision (1), (2) or (3) of this paragraph.

    "Receipt (of Notice) by the Taxpayer" means the earlier of actual receipt or the first attempted delivery by certified United States mail to the taxpayer's address of record with the Tax Collector.

    "Remediation" means those actions that are reasonable, necessary, cost-effective and technically feasible in the event of the release or threat of release of hazardous substances into the environment such that the waters of the State are or may be affected, such actions as may be necessary to monitor, assess and evaluate such release or threat of release, actions of remediation, removal or disposal of hazardous substances or taking such other actions as may be necessary to prevent, minimize or mitigate damage to the public health or welfare or to the waters of the State which may otherwise result from a release or threat of release of a hazardous substance that will or may affect the waters of the State. Remediation activities include the use of biostimulation with indigenous microbes and bioaugmentation using microbes that are nonpathogenic, nonopportunistic and that are naturally occurring. Remediation activities may include community information and participation costs and providing an alternative drinking water supply.

    "Rental Equipment" means tangible personal property sold, rented, leased, or licensed to customers to the extent that the item is actually used by the customer for rental, lease, or license to others; provided that:


    The vendee is regularly engaged in the business of renting, leasing, or licensing such property for a consideration; and


    The item so claimed as "rental equipment" is not used by the person claiming the exemption for any purpose other than rental, lease, or license for compensation, to an extent greater than fifteen percent (15%) of its actual use.

    "Rental Supply" means an expendable or nonexpendable repair or replacement part sold to become part of "rental equipment", provided that:


    The documentation relating to each purchased item so claimed specifically itemizes to the vendor the actual item of "rental equipment" to which the purchased item is intended to be attached as a repair or replacement part; and


    The vendee is regularly engaged in the business of renting, leasing, or licensing such property for a consideration; and


    The item so claimed as "rental equipment" is not used by the person claiming the exemption for any purpose other than rental, lease, or license for compensation, to an extent greater than fifteen percent (15%) of its actual use.

    "Repairer" means a person who restores or renews products, wares, or articles of manufacture.

    "Resides within the City" means in cases other than individuals, whose legal addresses are determinative of residence, the engaging, continuing, or conducting of regular business activity within the City.

    "Restaurant" means any business activity where articles of food, drink, or condiment are customarily prepared or served to patrons for consumption on or off the premises, also including bars, cocktail lounges, the dining rooms of hotels, and all caterers. For the purposes of this Chapter, a "fast food" business, which includes street vendors and mobile vendors selling in public areas or at entertainment or sports or similar events, who prepares or sells food or drink for consumption on or off the premises is considered a "restaurant", and not a "retailer".

    "Retail Sale (Sale at Retail)" means the sale of tangible personal property, except the sale of tangible personal property to a person regularly engaged in the business of selling such property.

    "Retailer" means any person engaged or continuing in the business of sales of tangible personal property at retail.

    "Sale" means any transfer of title or possession, or both, exchange, barter, conditional or otherwise, in any manner or by any means whatsoever, including consignment transactions and auctions, of property for a consideration. "Sale" includes any transaction whereby the possession of such property is transferred but the seller retains the title as security for the payment of the price. "Sale" also includes the fabrication of tangible personal property for consumers who, in whole or in part, furnish either directly or indirectly the materials used in such fabrication work.

    "Solar Daylighting" means a device that is specifically designed to capture and redirect the visible portion of the solar beam, while controlling the infrared portion for use in illuminating interior building spaces in lieu of artificial lighting.

    "Solar Energy Device" means a system or series of mechanisms designed primarily to provide heating, to provide cooling, to produce electrical power, to produce mechanical power, to provide solar daylighting or to provide any combination of the foregoing by means of collecting and transferring solar generated energy into such uses either by active or passive means, including wind generator systems that produce electricity. Solar energy systems may also have the capability of storing solar energy for future use. Passive systems shall clearly be designed as a solar energy device, such as a Trombe wall, and not merely as a part of a normal structure, such as a window.

    "Speculative Builder" means either:


    An owner-builder who sells or contracts to sell, at anytime, improved real property (as provided in Section 21.1-416) consisting of:


    Custom, model, or inventory homes, regardless of the stage of completion of such homes; or


    Improved residential or commercial lots without a structure; or


    An owner-builder who sells or contracts to sell improved real property, other than improved real property specified in subsection (1) above:


    Prior to completion; or


    Before the expiration of twenty-four (24) months after the improvements of the real property sold are substantially complete.

    "Substantially Complete" means the construction contracting or reconstruction contracting:


    Has passed final inspection or its equivalent; or


    Certificate of occupancy or its equivalent has been issued; or


    Is ready for immediate occupancy or use.

    "Supplier" means any person who rents, leases, licenses, or makes sales of tangible personal property within the City, either directly to the consumer or customer or to wholesalers, jobbers, fabricators, manufacturers, modifiers, assemblers, repairers, or those engaged in the business of providing services which involve the use, sale, rental, lease, or license of tangible personal property.

    "Tax Collector" means the City Manager or his designee or agent for all purposes under this Chapter.

    "Taxpayer" means any person liable for any tax under this Chapter.

    "Taxpayer Problem Resolution Officer" means the individual designated by the City to perform the duties identified in Sections 21.1-515 and 21.1-516. In cities with a population of fifty thousand (50,000) or more, the Taxpayer Problem Resolution Officer shall be an employee of the City. In cities with a population of less than fifty thousand (50,000), the Taxpayer Problem Resolution Officer need not be an employee of the City. Regardless of whether the Taxpayer Problem Resolution Officer is or is not an employee of the City, the Taxpayer Problem Resolution Officer shall have substantive knowledge of taxation. The identity of and telephone number for the Taxpayer Problem Resolution Officer can be obtained from the Tax Collector.

    "Telecommunication Service" means any service or activity connected with the transmission or relay of sound, visual image, data, information, images, or material over a communications channel or any combination of communications channels.

    "Transient" means any person who either at the person's own expense or at the expense of another obtains lodging space or the use of lodging space on a daily or weekly basis, or on any other basis for less than thirty (30) consecutive days.

    "Utility Service" means the producing, providing, or furnishing of electricity, electric lights, current, power, gas (natural or artificial), or water to consumers or ratepayers.

(Res. No. 4491, § 1, 6-14-11; Ord. No. 2843, § 1, 5-14-13; Ord. No. 2944, § 1, 6-23-15; Res. No. 4997, § 1(Exh. A), 6-23-15)