§ 21.3-5. Restrictions.  

Latest version.
  • All permit holders shall be subject to the following restrictions:


    Items shall be placed so that a minimum five (5) foot unobstructed pedestrian walkway is maintained at all times; clearances will be maintained at all times.


    A five (5) foot "clear zone" shall be maintained at corner locations of two (2) public sidewalks. No item shall be placed within five (5) feet of the corner of a building on either side.


    Items shall be located immediately adjacent to the building wherever practical and may not extend beyond the permit holder's storefront on any side.


    Any items placed on display on the sidewalk may not include products that are for sale. Items being displayed are for illustrative and aesthetic purposes only to improve the nature and image of the store. Any item that may be considered signage under the City of Glendale sign code is not permitted to be placed on the sidewalk.


    All display items shall be located not more than three (3) feet from the front of the building unless otherwise specified by the city, and shall at all times maintain a minimum five (5) foot unobstructed pedestrian walkway.


    Any chairs or benches located on the sidewalk must be located immediately adjacent to the building, and may not extend more than five (5) feet from the building, and may in no instance encroach upon the minimum five (5) foot unobstructed pedestrian walkway.


    Items shall not obstruct the normal ingress and egress from the business or other property.


    No advertising signs, such as "sandwich board" signs with a company's name or logo, shall be placed on the sidewalk. All items placed on the sidewalk shall conform to the city's adopted sign regulations.


    Any hanging baskets or other items suspended from any building or awning will be secured in a fashion that will not easily be dislodged, and maintain a minimum of at least seven (7) feet clearance from below.


    All planters or hanging baskets will contain attractive plant materials, and all dead plants or weeds shall promptly be removed.


    Hours of outdoor use and display operations shall be limited to the normal business hours of the establishment.


    Alcoholic beverages are only permitted on sidewalk areas in accordance with the liquor regulations and specifications governing the establishment holding the permit. The permit holder shall be responsible for monitoring this provision.


    All items must be promptly removed upon the direction of the City of Glendale, for maintenance, repair, emergencies or other reasons including any festivals or other public events at which large numbers of people may attend.


    Amplified music and speakers shall be prohibited from sidewalk display areas.


    Items that may be easily removed such as small, easily-portable items, or items that may become a wind-blown hazard, shall not be permitted.


    Any objectionable, explicit or offensive items are not permitted. This includes the placing of items such as toilets on the public sidewalk.

(Ord. No. 2165, § 1, 10-24-00)