§ 21-42. Peddlers and solicitors.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    The tax and license manager shall issue to each peddler or solicitor an identification card containing a current photograph of such licensee. Each identification card shall expire on December 31 of the year in which it is issued, and the peddler or solicitor shall obtain a new identification card by January 31 of the following year by presenting himself or herself to the tax and license division for photographing. At all times that a licensee is acting as a peddler or solicitor, he or she shall carry on his or her person a valid peddler or solicitor identification card. A peddler or solicitor shall display his or her identification card upon request to any person considering doing business with such person or to any police officer, law enforcement official or city official whose duties are related to licensing.


    Every applicant for a peddler's or solicitor's license who as a part of his or her business activities will handle any unpackaged meats, fish, vegetables, fruits, garden produce, farm produce or other food products shall file with his or her application a current food handler's health certificate from the Maricopa County health department and any other similar certificate or permit required by law for food handling.


    Every applicant for a peddler's or solicitor's license who will use a vehicle in conducting the activities of a peddler or solicitor shall provide a photograph of such vehicle to the tax and license division.


    Every applicant for a stationary peddler's or solicitor's license shall provide a copy of a current contract with the owner of the premises on which the peddler or solicitor will operate, or such other documentation as will prove that the peddler or solicitor is authorized to operate from such premises, to the tax and license division.


    No peddler or solicitor shall operate in any city park or city property within the downtown redevelopment area without first obtaining a park vending permit pursuant to chapter 27, article V of this code.


    No peddler's or solicitor's operations shall interfere with pedestrian access ways, fire lanes, required parking spaces under the zoning ordinance, driveways or landscaped areas, or otherwise obstruct a driver's vision of a roadway or driveway.

(Ord. No. 1724, § 1, 6-2-92; Ord. No. 1919, § 1, 12-10-96)