§ 24-91. Alteration of state speed limits.  

Latest version.
  • The council may by ordinance determine that the speed permitted by state law upon any street under the jurisdiction of the city is greater or less than necessary for safe operation of vehicles thereon and may, upon the basis of an engineering and traffic investigation, declare a reasonable and safe maximum speed limit on any part of a street. The city traffic engineer shall cause speed limit signs to be erected giving notice of such speed limit and shall keep a record of all such speed limits. Three (3) copies of such record shall be kept on file in the city clerk's office and the record shall be designated as "Altered Speed Limits of the City of Glendale" which record is hereby adopted by reference as if set forth in full.

    (Ord. No. 1392, § 2, 11-26-85)

    Editor's note— The following listed ordinances amended this section by adopting an updated record of "Altered Speed Limits of the City of Glendale":

    Ordinance No. Sec. Date of
    1465 1 12-23-1986
    1472 1  1-27-1987
    1677 1  4- 9-1991
    1697 1  7- 9-1991
    1841 1  5-23-1995
    2299 1  1-28-2003