§ 25-52. Definitions.  

Latest version.
  • In this article, unless otherwise expressly provided or as required by the context:

    Bar means an area devoted primarily to the serving of alcoholic beverages, to which food service is only incidental.

    Designated smoking area means any area within an enclosed public place where smoking is specifically permitted. No designated smoking area shall exceed in area and size any nonsmoking area within the enclosed public place and any designated smoking area must be so situated as to allow nonsmoking individuals to conduct normal activity in a reasonably smoke-free environment.

    Employee means any person who is employed by any employer for direct or indirect monetary wages or profit.

    Employer means any person or entity employing the services of at least one person.

    Enclosed public place means any area enclosed by a roof and walls with one or more openings for ingress and egress, which is available to and customarily used by the public. Enclosed public places governed by this article shall include, but shall not be limited to, public areas such as elevators, waiting rooms, reception areas, lobbies, restrooms, restaurants, retail stores, retail service establishments, grocery stores, convenience markets, drug stores, shopping malls, theaters, auditoriums, public and private schools, offices of health care professionals, pharmacies, indoor sports facilities and their lobbies, public transportation vehicles and terminals, airport service lines, airport waiting lounges, taxicabs or other means of public transit, community centers, child care centers, public or common areas of hotels and motels, financial institutions, all indoor facilities and any public places already regulated by Arizona Revised Statutes, section 36-601.01. A private residence is not an enclosed public place.

    Place of employment means any enclosed area under the control of a private or public employer, which is intended for occupancy by employees during the course of employment, including, but not limited to, work areas, offices, employee lounges, conference and meeting rooms, employee cafeterias and lunchrooms, classrooms, auditoriums, hallways, stairways, waiting areas and restrooms. A private residence is not a place of employment.

    To smoke or smoking means burning or carrying any lighted cigarette, cigar, tobacco or any other weed or plant or placing any burning tobacco, weed or plant in an ashtray or other receptacle and allowing smoke to diffuse into the air.

(Ord. No. 1483, § 1, 3-10-87)