§ 31-24. Preliminary plats.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Preliminary plat submittal:


    The subdivider or his authorized representative shall submit the following materials to the project manager:


    Twenty (20) copies of the preliminary plat reproduced in the form of blue or black line prints on a white background. Plan sheets shall not exceed twenty-four (24) inches by thirty-six (36) inches in overall size.


    A completed preliminary plat application form. If the subdivider is not the current land owner of all of the subject real property, a signed and notarized statement shall also be filed attesting that the owner grants to the subdivider authority to represent the owner in this matter.


    A nonrefundable preliminary plat filing fee to compensate the city for the costs of examining and processing the subdivision plat and subsequent field investigations. The required fee for subdivision plats shall be in the amount established by resolution of the city council or pursuant to Glendale City Code Section 2-3. The filing fee shall cover the cost of the filing of one amended or revised preliminary plat handled as the same case. If preliminary plat approval expires prior to application for final plat approval, the plat shall be resubmitted for preliminary approval as a new case, and the subdivider shall pay the required fee.


    One eight and one-half (8 1/2) inch by eleven (11) inch clear film positive (transparency) of the preliminary plat.


    One copy, preliminary draft, of the proposed deed restrictions (covenants, conditions, and restrictions) for the proposed subdivision.The subdivider shall meet and confer with the project team as to those certain minimum deed restrictions to be placed upon the property in order to maintain the character and value of the proposed subdivision and adjoining properties.


    A current list of property owners of all properties within three hundred (300) feet of the proposed subdivision boundary with current mailing addresses.


    All submittals shall be reviewed by the project manager for completeness and as signed a project number. If incomplete as to the requirements set forth in this chapter, the submittal will be rejected and returned to the subdivider for revision and resubmittal.


    The project manager will send copies of the preliminary plat to applicable city staff members for review and comment. As a prerequisite of preliminary plat review by the planning and zoning commission, the project manager shall inform the appropriate public utility and cable television companies, school districts, Maricopa County Department of Health Services, Maricopa County Planning Department, and adjacent municipalities, if the proposed subdivision abuts city limits, of the tentative plans and learn the general requirements for sewage disposal, water supply, and public dedications applicable to their needs. Written recommendations from the review agencies shall be transmitted to the project manager.


    Preliminary plat requirements:


    Every subdivision shall conform to the objectives of the city General Plan or applicable specific area plan approved by the city council.


    All subdivisions shall be designed to comply with the requirements of the specific zoning districts within which located. Should a change in zoning be necessary due to the proposed use(s), a rezoning application must be initiated by the property owner or his authorized representative, and then reviewed and acted upon by the planning and zoning commission and city council pursuant to appendix A (Zoning) of the City Code prior to action on a plat by the same. Concurrent applications may be considered, with the requested zoning change being resolved first.


    An application for preliminary plat approval shall comply in all respects with the provisions of this chapter and Chapter 17 of the Glendale City Code (Floodplain Management).


    Any information required as part of the preliminary plat submittal shall be shown graphically, or by note on plans, or by letter, or by combination thereof, and may comprise several sheets showing various elements of the required data. All mapped data for the same plat shall be drawn at the same engineering scale. Said scale shall not be greater than one hundred (100) feet to the inch. All plats requiring more than one (1) sheet shall have a cover sheet indicating the entire subdivision and the proposed sections to be found on the corresponding individual pages.


    All preliminary plats shall contain the following information:


    Notation of plat as a preliminary plat.


    Proposed subdivision name and location by section, township and range.


    Legal description of property involved.


    Name, address, and phone number of subdivider(s).


    Name, address, and phone number of person or firm preparing the plat.


    Name, address, and phone number of land owner(s).


    Scale, north point, and dates of preparation and any revisions.


    Topography by contours sufficient to reflect the character and drainage of land. Topography to be based on an established city benchmark with a note identifying the location and height of the benchmark. Direction of proposed drainage flows shall be indicated.


    Existing street dedications and lot lines of all adjacent properties. Subdivided properties must be indicated by subdivision name and Maricopa County Recorder's Office Book and Page number;if unsubdivided land, property owner(s) shall be noted.


    Location, size and names of all existing rights-of-way and easements within and adjacent to subject property shall be shown on the plat, as well as any special features such as driveway entrances to major facilities or parking bays. Existing rights-of-way and easements proposed to be abandoned will be so noted.


    Location and size of existing structures identifying those which are to be removed and those to remain; and the date when any removals shall be completed.


    Existing zoning classification of the property and adjacent property by note.


    Acreage of the tract being platted by note:


    Gross acreage;


    Net acreage.


    Boundaries of the platted property to be fully dimensioned.


    Proposed street layout shall include proposed street names, right-of-way widths, alleys and connections to adjoining properties.


    Parcels to be reserved for school sites are to be indicated as such. Parcels to be dedicated or reserved to the City of Glendale for public recreation, storm water retention or other public use must directly indicate the City of Glendale as the entity to whom the tracts or parcels of land are being dedicated. All parcels to be reserved or dedicated will show the size of said parcels.


    Existing natural features (trees greater in diameter than four (4) inches), and any significant manmade features within and adjoining the subdivision boundaries for a distance of one hundred (100) feet from such boundaries.


    Gross and net density, minimum lot size, average lot size.


    Location map with north point, scale, site location, and existing points of reference.


    Location and description of existing utilities on or within two hundred (200) feet of the proposed development. Reference by note the location and description of such utilities if not located within two hundred (200) feet of the proposed development.


    The location of all proposed fire hydrants within the subdivision and any existing fire hydrants within two hundred (200) feet of the proposed subdivision.


    Typical scaled lot dimensions; approximate dimensions of all corner lots and lots on curvilinear sections of streets; and each lot numbered individually and the total number of lots.


    The location of vehicular nonaccess easements and typical building setback lines.


    For subdivision with amended development standards approved as a planned residential development, a typical maximum building envelope containing minimum building setbacks and maximum lot coverage permitted shall be noted on the plat.


    Locations and sizes of designated private common areas, landscaped areas and entry features.


    The preliminary plat shall contain the following information with respect to proposed utilities:


    It is the responsibility of the subdivider to furnish the Maricopa County Department of Health Services and the city engineer such evidence that may be required to satisfy the design and operation of sanitary sewage treatment facilities if proposed. A statement as to the types of facilities proposed shall appear on the preliminary plat and the plat application. The proposed sanitary sewage treatment facilities, if any, shall be consistent with the Maricopa Association of Governments 208 Wastewater Management Plan.


    As to water supply, the subdivider shall show evidence of adequate volume and quality satisfactory to the Maricopa County Department of Health Services and the city engineer.


    The preliminary plat shall contain preliminary calculations and a description of the proposed stormwater disposal system and the locations of the stormwater retention areas and disposal outlets. A master drainage study showing offsite drainage impacts may be required.


    Conceptual streetscape and landscape plans for open spaces, entryways and major streets.


    Preliminary plat approval:


    An applicant shall submit all of the documents, information, data, and other requirements for preliminary plat approval to the project manager, and shall furnish all information and materials required by the project team to satisfy the requirements of this chapter.


    An applicant shall also submit a plan showing proposed conceptual landscape and streetscape proposals.


    In addition to the requirements of the preceding subsections, the applicant shall provide to the project manager any additional information, documents, or other material relevant to the application that the project team reasonably believes is necessary in order for the planning and zoning commission to evaluate, analyze, and understand the subject matter of the application.


    An application for preliminary plat approval shall not be deemed to have been filed or properly submitted until all fees have been paid and all of the above listed requirements have been complied with. Compliance shall be determined by the project manager.


    An application for preliminary plat approval may be denied if it is determined that all or part of the subject property has adverse topography, periodic inundation, adverse soils, subsidence of the earth's surface, high water table, lack of water, or other natural or manmade hazard to life or property as provided by A.R.S. section 9-463(c)4.


    The commission shall approve an application for preliminary plat approval if all requirements set forth in this chapter are complied with.


    The procedure for approval, amendment, or disapproval of preliminary plat applications shall be as follows:


    The commission shall approve, conditionally approve or disapprove applications for preliminary plat approval after reviewing the application and conducting a public hearing. In cases of conditional approval or disapproval, the specific conditions or reasons for disapproval will be stated in the minutes of the commission meeting and hearing.


    Each council member shall be notified by the project manager of commission action within three (3) working days of the commission meeting. Council member notification will be in the form of commission summary minutes.


    A notice of the time and place of the public hearing shall be posted on the property affected at least five (5) days prior to the commission meeting. A notice of the public hearing shall be published in an official newspaper of the city or a newspaper of general circulation in the city not later than fifteen (15) days prior to the scheduled hearing date. Property owners of properties within three hundred (300) feet of the proposed subdivision boundary shall be notified by first class mail of the proposed hearing postmarked at least fifteen (15) days prior to the hearing date. It shall be the project manager's responsibility to ensure that all notification procedures are complied with.


    In cases of conditional approval or disapproval, the subdivider shall have the right to appeal the commission's disapproval or any condition(s) of approval to the council. The council may uphold, deny or modify commission action. Decisions of the council shall be final.


    Property owners within the three hundred-foot hearing notification area may appeal an action by the commission. Council members may also file an appeal of commission action. The city manager may also file an appeal of commission action. All appeals must be submitted in accordance with Article VIII of this chapter and must be filed within fifteen (15) calendar days after commission action.


    Council members may also file an appeal of commission action.


    The city manager may also file an appeal of commission action.


    All appeals must be submitted in accordance with Article VIII of this chapter and must be filed within fifteen (15) calendar days after commission action.


    Upon approval of a preliminary plat, a notation of approval shall be stamped on three (3) copies of the plat by the project manager. One (1) copy shall be returned to the subdivider and two (2) copies shall be retained by the project manager.


    If a preliminary plat application is disapproved or conditionally approved by the council, the minutes shall state the specific conditions to be satisfied or reasons for such denial.


    The preliminary plat application can be refiled at any time if revision can resolve the reasons for the denial as originally proposed. The new filing of a preliminary plat application for the same tract, or any portion thereof, shall follow the procedures and requirements specified in this section. No additional fee will be required if refiling is initiated within thirty (30) calendar days of council action.


    Significance of preliminary plat approval. Preliminary plat approval by the commission or council constitutes authorization for the subdivider to proceed with preparation of the final plat and engineering improvement plans and specifications. Preliminary approval is subject to the following conditions:


    The conditions under which approval of the preliminary plat is granted will not be changed prior to expiration date unless by application for a revised preliminary plat. Such application shall follow the same procedures as the original approval.


    Approval is valid for a period of two (2) years from the date of approval, and thereafter, such approval shall be deemed to have expired.


    Preliminary plat approval may, upon written application to the commission by the subdivider and payment of an application fee as approved by resolution of the city council, be extended for an additional one (1) year if, in the opinion of the commission, there is no change in conditions within or adjoining the preliminary plat which would warrant a revision of the original preliminary plat and the applicant demonstrates to the commission that substantial effort is being applied to create a final plat.


    Preliminary plat approval shall be automatically extended for an additional one-year period upon submission of a final plat application submitted within six (6) months prior to the normal expiration date. In no case shall preliminary plat approvals exceed a total of four (4) years.


    If preliminary plat approval expires prior to application for final plat approval, the plat shall be resubmitted for preliminary approval as a new case and the subdivider shall be required to pay a new fee.


    The preliminary plat shall not be recorded.

(Ord. No. 1561, § 1, 9-13-88; Ord. No. 2260, § 6, 6-11-02)