§ 31-25. Final plats.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Pre-final plat submittal and review. Prior to application for a final plat, the subdivider shall submit to the project manager six (6) copies of a prefinal plat for review by the project team. The pre-final plat shall conform to the approved preliminary plat and any conditions of that approval imposed by commission or council; and shall contain all information and conform to all requirements for final plat preparation as specified in subsections (b) and (c) hereof. Upon review of the pre-final plat, the project manager shall advise the subdivider of any necessary revisions to be made on the plat prior to final plat application submittal.


    Final plat submittal:


    The subdivider or his authorized representative shall submit the following materials to the project manager:


    A completed final plat application form.


    A nonrefundable final plat filing fee to compensate the city for the costs of examining and processing the subdivision plat and subsequent field investigations. The required fee for subdivision plats shall be approved by resolution of the city council.


    Four (4) paper copies of the final plat reproduced in the form of blue or black line prints on a white background.


    One opaque linen or mylar copy of the final plat for recordation.


    One reproducible mylar copy of the final plat.


    One eight and one-half-inch by eleven-inch reduced transparent positive of the final plat.


    One paper copy of the final plat reduced to a scale of one inch equals six hundred (600) feet (1" = 600().


    One copy of the final draft of the deed restrictions (covenants, conditions, and restrictions) to be recorded with the final subdivision plat.


    Upon receipt of the final plat application, the project manager shall check the plat for conformity to the approved preliminary plat and compliance with the requirements for final plats as set forth in subsection (c) hereof.


    Final plat requirements:


    All final subdivision plats shall be designed to comply with the requirements of the specific zoning district within which it is located. Any zoning amendment necessary shall have been approved by the council prior to final council action on the final plat.


    No parcel shall be divided in such a way that any division of such parcel shall contain more dwelling units than are permitted by the zoning regulations for the district in which such parcel is situated.


    The project manager shall submit the final plat application together with the staff recommendations to the city council.


    The final plat shall substantially conform to the approved preliminary plat, and shall be in compliance with all appropriate city standards, codes, specifications, and requirements.


    Any information required as part of the final plat submittal shall be shown graphically, or by note on plans, or by letter, or by combination thereof, and may comprise several sheets showing various elements of the required data.


    The final record plat of a subdivision shall be drawn in waterproof ink on linen or other nonshrinking material on a sheet not to exceed twenty-four (24) inches by thirty-six (36) inches in overall dimensions, and shall have a left margin of two (2) inches. All final plats requiring more than one sheet shall have a cover sheet indicating the entire subdivision and the proposed sections to be found on the corresponding individual pages. The final plat shall be drawn to an accurate scale of not more than one hundred (100) feet to the inch (1 inch-100 feet).


    All final plats shall contain the following information:


    A title which includes the name of the subdivision and its location by number of section, township, range, and county.


    Name, address, registration number, and seal of the registered land surveyor preparing the plat.


    Name, address, and registration number of the registered civil engineer responsible for the preparation of the engineering improvement drawings that are necessary for the proposed subdivision.


    Scale (written and graphic), north arrow, and date of plat preparation.


    Boundaries of the tract to be subdivided fully balanced and closed showing all bearings and distances and mathematical calculations, determined by an accurate survey in the field. All dimensions shall be expressed in feet and decimals thereof.


    Any excepted parcel or parcels within the plat boundaries shall be accurately described by bearings and distances determined by an accurate survey in the field. All dimensions shall be expressed in feet and decimals thereof.


    Location and description of cardinal points of primary interest to which all dimensions, angles, bearings, and similar data on the plat shall be referenced. Each of two (2) corners of the subdivision traversed shall be tied by course and distance to separate survey monuments approved by the city.


    Names, centerlines, right-of-way lines, courses, lengths and widths of all streets, alleys, and easements; radii, points of tangency and central angles of all curvilinear streets and alleys, and radii of all rounded street line intersections.


    Location and dimensions of all lots shall be shown. Lot dimensions and appropriate bearings shall be indicated for at least one side lot line and either the front or rear lot line assuming additional dimensions are equal to those shown. In areas subject to flooding, minimum finished first floor elevations shall be shown in conformance with chapter 17 of the City Code.


    All lots shall utilize a lot numbering system or be numbered consecutively throughout the plat. Tracts for school sites, parks or other public uses shall be so designated, lettered or named, and clearly dimensioned.


    The accurate outline of all property which is offered for dedication for public use and of all property that may be reserved by deed covenant for the common use of the property owners in the subdivision.


    Name, book, and page number of adjacent recorded subdivisions, with location of existing adjacent lots, easements and rights-of-way shown, or notation "unsubdivided" where appropriate. All proposed conditions shall be graphically differentiated from existing conditions on adjacent properties and on excepted parcels within the plat.


    Provide on the final plat such easements in such locations and widths as required. In addition, the following notation shall be placed upon all final plats: "Except for construction and improvements by governmental entities and certificated public utilities, construction and improvements within easements shall be limited to only the following:


    Wood, wire or removable section-type fencing.


    Construction, structures or buildings expressly approved in writing by all public utilities and the City of Glendale which use or shall use the utility easement."


    Statement and acknowledgement of the dedication of all streets, alleys, tracts, drainageways, utility easements, and other easements for public use by the persons holding title of record, by persons holding title as vendees under land contract, and by spouses of said parties, if jointly owned. If lands dedicated are mortgaged, the mortgagee shall also sign the plat. Dedications shall include a written location by section, township, and range of the tract. The dedication shall include direct wording stating the City of Glendale as the new owner of any tracts or parcels being dedicated. A quit claim deed or a warranty deed must be provided giving the City of Glendale ownership of dedicated tracts or parcels. The project team will have the discretion as to which title document is most appropriate. If the plat contains private streets, provisions shall be made so that the public utilities reserve the right to install and maintain utilities above, on, and below such private streets or ways. (See Appendix E of this chapter for examples of dedications and acknowledgments for plats. )


    The following certifications must be included on the final plat:


    Certification by a registered land surveyor preparing the plat that the plat is correct and accurate, and that the monuments described in it have been located as described.


    Certification of plat approval by the city planning director, city engineer (or designated representative), and city council. (See Appendix E of this chapter for examples of certifications and approvals of plats. )


    The following note must be included on the final plat: "NOTE: This subdivision is located within the City of Glendale water service area which has been designated as having an assured water supply under A.R.S. section 45-576." (For subdivisions not located within the City of Glendale water service area, consult with the city engineer for the appropriate statement of assured water supply.)


    The following note must be included on the final plat: "NOTE: All new utilities and all existing utilities, except electrical transmission lines carrying 69 Kv or more, within or contiguous to this site, shall be placed underground."


    The location of appropriate vehicular nonaccess easements shall be included on the plat.


    For subdivisions with amended development standards approved as a planned development, a typical maximum building envelope containing minimum building setbacks and maximum lot coverage permitted shall be noted on the plat. Sufficient typical examples must be included to avoid possible misinterpretation of irregular, nonstandard lots.


    Final plat approval:


    An application for approval of a final plat shall not be filed unless there is an approved preliminary plat for the proposed subdivision as provided for in Article II, section 31-24 of this chapter.


    An applicant for final plat approval shall comply in all respects with the provisions of this chapter and all other applicable chapters of the Glendale City Code.


    An applicant shall submit all of the documents, information, data, and other requirements for final plat approval to the project manager and shall furnish all information and materials needed to satisfy the requirements of this chapter.


    In addition to the requirements of the preceding paragraphs, the applicant shall provide to the project manager any additional information, documents, or other material relevant to the application that the project team reasonably believes is necessary in order for the council to evaluate, analyze, and understand the subject matter of the application.


    An application for final plat approval shall not be deemed to have been filed or properly submitted until all of the above listed requirements have been complied with. Compliance shall be determined by the project manager.


    The procedure for approval, amendment, or disapproval of final plat applications shall be as follows:


    The city council shall approve or disapprove applications for final plat approval pursuant to the provisions of this chapter.


    Upon receipt of a final recommendation on an application for final plat approval from the project team, the project manager shall take necessary action to add the final plat application to the agenda of the next available regular meeting of the council, whereupon the council shall either approve or disapprove the final plat application.




    If the council approves the plat, the mayor and city clerk shall transcribe a certificate of council approval upon the plat, first making sure that the other required certifications and dedications have been duly signed and acknowledged. (See Appendix E of this chapter for examples of approvals for plats. )


    After council approval of a final plat and compliance with Article IV of this chapter, the subdivider shall pay to the city the fee charged by the Maricopa County Recorder for the recordation of the plat, and the project manager shall then promptly record the plat with the Maricopa County Recorder, pursuant to A.R.S. section 9-463.01(I).




    If the council finds that the plat requires amendment, the application shall be tabled until the amendments can be satisfactorily accomplished and the application rescheduled for council action.


    There shall be no amendments to the application or plat without the express approval of both the council and the subdivider.


    Denial: If the council disapproves the plat, the minutes shall state the reasons for such denial. The final plat ap-plication may be refiled at any time if revision can resolve the reasons for the denial as originally proposed. The new filing of a final plat application for the same tract, or any portion thereof, shall be treated as a new project and will follow the procedures and requirements specified in this chapter.

(Ord. No. 1561, § 1, 9-13-88)