§ 32.5-5. Undergrounding of overhead utility lines.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    All new or existing utility lines other than transmission lines shall be placed underground in conjunction with a development/redevelopment project that has been submitted for approval under the provisions of the Code of the City of Glendale. This requirement shall apply to primary distribution lines as well as secondary and service lines, for both on-site and off-site locations, extending to the nearest existing off-site pole, no greater than two hundred fifty (250) feet from the development/redevelopment property line. The required undergrounding shall be completed prior to approval and occupancy of the project. In cases where utility undergrounding construction may not be completed at the time the rest of the project is completed, the developer shall produce written proof from the utility company(ies) that undergrounding will be accomplished and all necessary moneys have been paid to the utility company(ies).


    The developer/redeveloper or owner of a project shall be responsible to make necessary arrangements with the affected utility companies for the installation of required underground facilities, including arrangements for the payment of any cost, as one of the conditions of plan approval. Nothing contained herein is intended to obligate a utility company to install such underground facilities without reimbursement except where the utility company is acting as a developer/redeveloper.


    In those instances where poles to be removed include street lights, the street lights will be replaced with freestanding poles and luminaries by the developer/redeveloper or the utility company when acting as a developer/redeveloper as required by section 102.4, Appendix A, of the City Code and Chapter 26.5 of the City Code.


    The undergrounding requirement shall also apply to all situations where utility companies add new utility poles or lines as a system upgrade or utility line extension. Voluntary grounding as a system upgrade by a utility company shall not constitute "development/redevelopment" as defined in this chapter.


    The undergrounding requirement shall apply to all situations where a governmental agency is acting as a developer/redeveloper or has initiated a construction effort which requires the relocation of existing overhead utility poles and lines. Nothing contained herein is intended to obligate a utility company to install such underground facilities without reimbursement from the governmental agency for any costs in excess of those not already the obligation of the utility company.


    Where the need to underground utility lines is generated by a combination of development/redevelopment, utility system upgrade or extension, and/or governmental agency improvement projects, there shall be equitable allocation of the cost of undergrounding.


    The undergrounding requirement shall not apply to the normal maintenance and repair of existing utility poles and lines provided such maintenance and repair does not include any system upgrade.


    The undergrounding requirements of this chapter shall not apply to transmission lines. However, transmission poles shall not be used to support other wires or cables in new development/ redevelopment projects.


    The undergrounding requirement shall apply regardless of the existence of easements for overhead lines.


    Equipment appurtenant to the underground facilities, such as surface-mounted transformers, pull boxes, pedestal cabinets, service terminals, telephone splice enclosures, concealed ducts, or other similar above-ground facilities normally used with or as part of an underground utility system may be maintained above ground. These appurtenances shall be placed out of street view or screened with appropriate landscaping in accordance with the Glendale General Plan. No equipment shall be placed which violates the city standard for unobstructed view as specified in Chapter 30 of the Code. No equipment shall be placed without prior review and approval by the city of siting and screening plans.


    Above-ground utility structures, including but not limited to electric transformers, utility poles, traffic signal controllers, street lights, fire hydrants, telephone switch gear, natural gas pressure regulators, cable television boxes, backflow prevention devices, etc., shall not be placed anywhere within the limits of a designated equestrian trail. Utilities may be placed underground under equestrian trails provided they will not present a hazard to horses or riders or create a potential for damage to the utility due to equestrian traffic.


    All above-ground utility structures, including down guy wires (anchors) shall not be placed anywhere within the limits of an alleyway or driveway which may obstruct safe vehicle passage.

(Ord. No. 1629, § 1, 12-12-89; Ord. No. 1973, § 1, 11-25-97; Ord. No. 2431, § 1, 3-22-05)

Cross reference

Encroachment of vegetation within city right-of-way prohibited, § 30-62; height of hedges, etc., at intersections, § 30-65; trees at intersection to be trimmed, § 30-66; certain trees prohibited at intersections, § 30-67; limitation on location of new trees, § 30-68.