§ 33-1. Definitions.  

Latest version.
  • When used in this Article, the following words, terms and phrases, shall have the meanings as provided in this Section:

    Approved: Accepted by the department as either meeting an applicable specification stated or cited in this chapter, or accepted as suitable for the proposed use.

    City: Refers to the City of Glendale, its employees or other authorized representatives performing certain governmental functions and duties.

    Contractor: A person licensed to do work in the State for or on behalf of another party to construct, alter, repair, add to, subtract from, improve, move, wreck or demolish any building, structure, project, development or improvement. The term "contractor" includes subcontractors, specialty contractors, developers, and speculative builders.

    Contamination: An impairment in the quality of water by sewage, industrial fluids, waste liquids, compounds or other material or fluids, to a degree which creates an actual or potential hazard to the public health, welfare or the environment.

    Customer: The person who has requested and been granted water and/or sewer or service by the City. A Customer may be the owner, operator, tenant, trustee, receiver, manager or occupant of the property connected to the City's water and/or sewer system. Customers shall be financially responsible for payment of water and/or sewer services provided to the premise.

    Customer account: The account set-up by the City in its billing system, that contains a customer's billing and payment history, name(s), mailing address and other identifying information collected by the City at the time water service is requested or initiated.

    Customer water supply system: The water distribution facilities within a Customer's premises commencing at the discharge point of the service connection.

    Deposit: Funds held by the City as security against potential non-payment by Customers for water and/or sewer services. Deposits shall not earn interest while held by the City and shall be refunded as provided in the administrative procedures adopted by the City consistent with this Article.

    Developer: The person who is responsible for the development of real property that creates a demand for water and/or sewer service.

    Development: Any improvement of real property which creates demand for domestic water.

    Notice: A written instrument served by the City. Service of a Notice shall be accomplished by:


    U.S. regular mail to the last known address of the person to whom it is required to be given; or


    Personal service upon the person or his/her lawful representative at his residence or place of business; or


    Filing or recording with a clerk of the superior court or county recorder as provided by applicable law; or


    Electronic mail to the last known email address provided by the Customer, if the Customer requested electronic notification as the preferred method when establishing his Customer Account.

    Owner-builder: A person who constructs improvements on the real property he/she owns within the City.

    Person: Any individual, corporation, company, partnership, association or other business or governmental entity, including the State, or any political subdivision of the State such as a municipality, or a tribal government or subdivision thereof.

    Premises: Any building, lot, parcel, real estate, or land or portion of land whether improved or unimproved including adjacent sidewalks and parking strips.

    Property owner: The person who, according to the title recorded with the Maricopa County Recorder's Officer, owns the real property to which water and/or sewer service is being provided by the City.

    Shall: The words "shall", "will," and "must" refer to mandatory actions.

    Structure: Each separate residence, house, store, building or any construction served by a separate water meter.

    Turn on fee: Refers to the fee assessed to a customer to establish a customer account and turn on the meter at the premise.

    Premise: Each structure, group of structures, portion of a structure or real property which is served by a separate water meter.

    User: The Customer as herein defined.

(Ord. No. 3003, § 1(Exh. A), 9-27-16)