§ 33-173. Use class rate calculation formula.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Sewer use charges shall be calculated on the following formula for the each user class:


    Sewer Use Charge Formula

    Uc = Use charge.
    Vq = Volume of wastewater (in thousands of gallons) contributed to system by user per month, as established in subsection (b).
    Vom = Unit cost of sewer service allocable to volume of wastewater (that portion of O & M allocable to flow divided by total flow in MG).
    Bs = Concentration of BOD (Biochemical oxygen demand) in milligrams per liter.
    Bom = O & M cost for treatment of a unit of biochemical oxygen demand (BOD).
    Ss = Concentration of suspended solids in milligrams per liter.
    Som = O & M cost for treatment of a unit of suspended solids.
    Nc = Number of Customers.
    Adm = Administrative and billing costs.



    That wastewater volume (Vq) for uses shall be determined as follows:


    Single-family residential Customers as defined by the City: The volume of wastewater contributed by single-family residential Customers shall be set at ninety (90) percent of the average monthly water billed during the preceding January, February and March. If the City determines that adequate meter information is not available for billing a single-family residential Customer, then the Customer will be charged an average monthly billing for that user class.


    Multi-family residential and commercial Customers as defined by the City: The volume of wastewater contributed by multi-family residential and commercial Customers shall be set at ninety-five (95) percent of the average monthly water billed during the preceding January, February and March. If the City determines that adequate meter information is not available for billing a multi-family residential or commercial Customer, then the Customer will be charged an average monthly billing for that user class.


    Each industrial Customer will be considered a separate user class . City shall determine the individual factors to be applied to the monthly water meter reading to determine the monthly sewage flow.

(Ord. No. 3003, § 1(Exh. A), 9-27-16)