§ 33-179. Temporary charge for single family dwellings with individual septic tanks.  

Latest version.
  • Until the City can acquire additional sewer trunk line capacity, a charge for capital outlay and debt service and an administrative and billing charge will be assessed owners of single family dwellings with individual septic tanks. The owner of the single family dwelling must execute an agreement in a form approved by the City assuming responsibility for service to the individual septic systems. At such date that the City acquires sufficient trunk line capacity to allow the individual septic system owners to connect to the City's sanitary sewer lines, the owner shall connect to the City's system. After connection to the City's system, the full user charge rates as set by City Council resolution for all single family owners shall apply and be paid by the owner.

(Ord. No. 3003, § 1(Exh. A), 9-27-16)