§ 33-281. Service obtained from other source; connection by unassessed parcel; limitation on reimbursement amount.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    If any parcel of property to which reimbursement extension costs have been allocated receives water or sewer service by means other than the extension of water or sewer lines covered by the agreement, the reimbursement extension costs allocated to that parcel will not be collected and the City shall not be responsible to reimburse the Developer for any extension costs associated with that parcel.


    If any parcel of property, which has not previously been allocated a pro rata share of the reimbursement extension costs, applies to the City for a permit to connect to the extension, the City shall assess a portion of the reimbursement extension cost, on a front footage or acreage service basis. The City shall collect the pro-rate share of extension costs associated with this parcel prior to issuance of the connection permit or actual connection to the extension.


    In no event shall the Developer receive an amount which exceeds the total reimbursement extension costs less the developer's allocated share of those costs.

(Ord. No. 3003, § 1(Exh. A), 9-27-16)