§ 33-312. Enforcement plan.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    The City shall develop an Enforcement Response Plan (ERP) that meets the requirements of the AZPDES or NPDES storm water permit issued to the City and the requirements of this Article. The ERP will include:


    the authority for the administration to issue notice of violation to person who violated any provision of this Article;


    the authority for the City to enter into consent orders, assurances of voluntary compliance, negotiated settlement agreements or other similar documents establishing an agreement with any person responsible for noncompliance;


    the authority for the City to issue a cease and desist order directing a person to immediately comply with all requirements and take such appropriate remedial or preventive action as may be needed to properly address a continuing or threatened violation;


    criteria for imposing administrative fines and method for calculating the fines;


    the authority of the City to take any response or remedial action necessary to abate or address a violation of this Article and to seek reimbursement for the cost of such abatement action from the owner or his authorized representative; and


    any other provision necessary to further the purpose of this division as set forth in Sec. 33-311.


    The ERP must be approved by the City and posted on the City's website.

(Ord. No. 3003, § 1(Exh. A), 9-27-16)