§ 3. Powers of city.  

Latest version.
  • The city shall have all the powers granted to municipal corporations and to cities by the constitution and laws of this state and by this charter, together with all the implied powers necessary to carry into execution all the powers granted. The city may acquire property within or without its corporate limits for any city purpose, in fee simple or any lesser interest or estate, by purchase, gift, devise, lease or condemnation, and may sell, lease, mortgage, hold, manage and control such property as its interests may require. Except as prohibited by the constitution of this state or restricted by this charter, the city shall and may exercise all municipal powers, functions, rights, privileges and immunities of every name and nature whatsoever, and especially to enter into contracts, cooperative and otherwise, with the government of the United States, the State of Arizona, Maricopa County, or any other municipal corporation of this state for the construction, maintenance and operation of roads, highways, parks, sewers, waterworks, public utilities, and buildings (when used for public purposes), all when deemed for the best interest of the city. The enumeration of particular powers by this charter shall not be deemed to be exclusive, and in addition to the powers enumerated herein or implied hereby, or appropriate to the exercise of such powers, it is intended that the city shall have and may exercise all powers which under the constitution of this state, it would be competent for this charter specifically to enumerate.

    The city may require all persons, firms or corporations responsible for new physical development within the city to provide for or furnish, or pay a fee in lieu of providing for or furnishing:


    Public utility easements.


    Water production, storage and transmission.


    Sewage collection, treatment and disposal.


    Park land and development.


    School sites.


    Dedication and improvement of public rights-of-way.


    Bike paths and other necessary transportation.




    Flood control.


    Other public facilities necessary to maintain satisfactory levels of service for said new development as provided by ordinance, which shall include definite standards basing the foregoing requirements on the needs of the inhabitants of said new development.
