§ 3. City manager; powers and duties.  

Latest version.
  • The city manager shall be chief executive officer and head of the administrative branch of the city government. He shall be responsible for the proper administration of all affairs of the city and to that end, subject to the provisions of this charter, he shall have the power and shall be required to:


    Devote his entire time to the discharge of his official duties, attend all meetings of the council unless excused therefrom by the council or the mayor;


    See that all ordinances are enforced and that the provisions of all franchises, leases, contracts, permits and privileges granted by the city are observed;


    Appoint, and when deemed necessary for the good of the service, lay-off, suspend, transfer, demote or remove all department heads, officers and employees of the city, subject to such merit system regulations as the council may adopt;


    Prepare the annual budget estimates and submit them to the council and be responsible for the administration of the budget after adoption;


    Keep the council advised at all times of the affairs and needs of the city, and make reports annually, or more frequently if requested by the council, of all the affairs of the city;


    Repealed (3-16-76);


    Have such other powers, duties and functions as this charter may prescribe, and such powers, duties and functions consistent with this charter as the council may prescribe.