§ 6. Contracts for official advertising.  

Latest version.
  • The city manager shall let annually contracts for official advertising for the ensuing fiscal year. For this purpose he or she shall submit to each legal newspaper published in the city, a notice describing the contemplated advertising and asking for sealed proposals. The proposals shall specify the type and spacing to be used at the rate or rates named in the bid. The city manager shall let the contracts for such official advertising to the lowest and best bidder publishing a newspaper of general circulation in the city; provided that in his or her discretion he or she may reject any and all bids and proceed to secure new bids in the manner provided herein. This section shall not preclude the city council from executing a contract for more than one year subject to annual appropriation. (3-15-88)

    The newspaper to which the award for such advertising is made shall be known and designated as the official newspaper.