§ 10-60. Technical and performance standards.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    A licensee shall comply with the F.C.C. Technical Standards for Class 1 channels (part 76, subpart K of the F.C.C. Rules and Regulations). A license may set forth additional objectives, standards and requirements for operating a cable system as the city deems necessary, consistent with federal law. A licensee shall demonstrate to the city whether the cable system meets F.C.C. technical standards for each channel.


    Upon adoption by the F.C.C. of applicable standards for digital transmission of cable service over the cable system, a licensee shall comply with all applicable standards.


    A licensee shall construct and operate its system in such manner that it operates at all times consistent with all laws and regulations, all construction standards of the city, and the license, which establish minimum technical standards relating to the cable system's technical operations and signal quality. A licensee shall provide the city, upon request, the opportunity to observe the conduct of and a written report of the results of the licensee's annual proof of performance tests. The city may at any time conduct independent measurements of a cable system by the use of city personnel or use of contract services. If inaccurate proof of performance reports are shown to have been the result of a licensee's fault, the licensee shall pay the costs reasonably incurred by the city in obtaining such independent verification of technical compliance with all standards.

(Ord. No. 2053, § 1, 12-8-98)