§ 19-62. On-site landscaped areas.  

Latest version.
  • All development projects covered by section 19-4 hereof shall provide on-site landscaped areas located in accordance with the following standards and requirements:


    For all development within the industrial zoning districts, landscaped areas shall be provided on the site in an amount equal to or greater than ten (10) percent of the ground floor area of all buildings, or five (5) percent of the net site area, whichever is greater.


    For all developments within the multi-family residential zoning district, landscaped areas shall be provided on the site in an amount equal to or greater than twenty (20) percent of the net site area; and shall be increased by ten (10) percent for each additional floor over one story high to a maximum of fifty (50) percent of the net site area.


    For all development within all other zoning districts, landscaped areas shall be provided on the site in an amount equal to or greater than twenty (20) percent of the net site area.


    A landscaped area not less than an average width of twenty (20) feet throughout a particular street frontage in width shall be established and maintained along all street frontages between any building, on-site parking area or outdoor storage area and the nearest point of the existing or future required street/sidewalk improvements (the back of an existing sidewalk, the line equal to the back of a future required sidewalk, or the back of the street curb where no sidewalk is required). However, for reverse street frontage the landscape widths shall be in accordance with adopted street cross-section designs. The area of this landscape strip may be used to satisfy, to the extent provided, the on-site landscaped area and street right-of-way landscaping area requirements set forth in this section.


    All portions of a development site not occupied by buildings, structures, vehicle access and parking areas, loading/unloading areas, and approved storage areas shall be landscaped in accordance with the provisions of division 3 of this article. Future building pads within a phased development shall be improved with temporary landscaping, or otherwise maintained weed-free in such a manner as may be approved by the director.

(Code 1963, § 30-5(A); Ord. No. 1295, § 1, 7-31-84; Ord. No. 1507, § 6, 8-25-87)