§ 2-20. Council districts.  

Latest version.
  • There is hereby established six (6) Council districts for the City described by census tracts and enumeration districts as located within the City of Glendale and set forth by the United States Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, in the 2010 Decennial Census of the City, as follows:

    Barrel District

    Composed of the Glendale portions of the following Census Block Groups:

    040130719036 040130923071 040130932001
    040130719037 040130923072 040130932003
    040130719151 040130923073 040131042211
    040130719153 040130923074 040131042213
    040130923051 040130923111 040131042221
    040130923052 040130923112 040131042222
    040130923061 040130923121 040131042223
    040130923062 040130923122 040131042224
    040130923063 040130923123
    040130923064 040130923124


    And including the following Census Blocks from Census Block Group 040131042212:


    And including the following Census Blocks from Census Block Group 040131042214:

    040131042214002 040131042214009 040131042214014
    040131042214003 040131042214010 040131042214016
    040131042214006 040131042214011 040131042214017
    040131042214007 040131042214012 040131042214018
    040131042214008 040131042214013


    And including the following Census Blocks from Census Block Group 040131042271:

    040131042271016 040131042271019 040131042271022
    040131042271017 040131042271020 040131042271023
    040131042271018 040131042271021


    Cactus District

    Composed of the Glendale portions of the following Census Block Groups:

    040130923081 040130923092 040130924013
    040130923082 040130923093 040130924021
    040130923083 040130923094 040130924022
    040130923084 040130924011 040130924023
    040130923091 040130924012 040130925001
    040130930011 040130931011 040130931043
    040130930012 040130931012 040131094001
    040130930013 040130931013 040131094002
    040130930021 040130931014 040131094003
    040130930022 040130931041
    040130930023 040130931042


    And including the following Census Blocks from Census Block Group 040130925002:

    040130925002000 040130925002005 040130925002019
    040130925002001 040130925002006 040130925002020
    040130925002002 040130925002007 040130925002021
    040130925002003 040130925002008 040130925002023
    040130925002004 040130925002009


    And including the following Census Blocks from Census Block Group 040130931044:

    040130931044000 040130931044021 040130931044028
    040130931044002 040130931044022 040130931044029
    040130931044003 040130931044023 040130931044030
    040130931044004 040130931044024 040130931044031
    040130931044005 040130931044025 040130931044032
    040130931044019 040130931044026 040130931044034
    040130931044020 040130931044027 040130931044035


    Cholla District

    Composed of the Glendale portions of the following Census Block Groups:

    040130715142 040136142002 040136159001
    040136112003 040136142003 040136159002
    040136139002 040136143001 040136159003
    040136140001 040136143002 040136160001
    040136140002 040136143003 040136160002
    040136140003 040136156002 040136176004
    040136141001 040136157001 040136177001
    040136141002 040136157002 040136180001
    040136141003 040136158001 040136180002
    040136141004 040136158002
    040136142001 040136158003


    Ocotillo District

    Composed of the Glendale portions of the following Census Block Groups:

    040130925003 040130925004 040130926001
    040130926002 040130928014 040130931052
    040130926003 040130928021 040130931053
    040130927052 040130928022 040130931054
    040130927171 040130928023 040130931061
    040130927182 040130928024 040130931062
    040130928011 040130929001 040130931063
    040130928012 040130929002 040131095001
    040130928013 040130931051 040131095003


    And including the following Census Blocks from Census Block Group 040130925002:

    040130925002010 040130925002016 040130925002026
    040130925002011 040130925002017 040130925002027
    040130925002012 040130925002018 040130925002028
    040130925002013 040130925002022 040130925002029
    040130925002014 040130925002024 040130925002030
    040130925002015 040130925002025 040130925002031


    And including the following Census Blocks from Census Block Group 040130927051:

    040130927051000 040130927051003 040130927051030
    040130927051001 040130927051004
    040130927051002 040130927051029


    And including the following Census Blocks from Census Block Group 040130927181:

    040130927181004 040130927181010 040130927181015
    040130927181005 040130927181011 040130927181016
    040130927181006 040130927181012
    040130927181007 040130927181013
    040130927181008 040130927181014


    And including the following Census Blocks from Census Block Group 040130931044:

    040130931044001 040130931044010 040130931044015
    040130931044006 040130931044011 040130931044016
    040130931044007 040130931044012 040130931044017
    040130931044008 040130931044013 040130931044018
    040130931044009 040130931044014


    Sahuaro District

    Composed of the Glendale portions of the following Census Block Groups:

    040130715091 040130715111 040130715132
    040130715103 040130715112 040131042141
    040131042142 040131042171 040136177002
    040131042151 040131042172 040136177003
    040131042152 040131042173 040136178001
    040131042153 040131042231 040136178002
    040131042154 040131042232 040136179001
    040131042155 040131042241 040136179002
    040131042161 040131042242 040136180003
    040131042162 040131042243
    040131042163 040131042244


    And including the following Census Blocks from Census Block Group 040131042212:

    040131042212001 040131042212010 040131042212019
    040131042212002 040131042212011 040131042212020
    040131042212003 040131042212012 040131042212021
    040131042212004 040131042212013 040131042212022
    040131042212005 040131042212014 040131042212023
    040131042212006 040131042212015 040131042212025
    040131042212007 040131042212016 040131042212026
    040131042212008 040131042212017 040131042212027
    040131042212009 040131042212018 040131042212028


    And including the following Census Blocks from Census Block Group 040131042214:

    040131042214000 040131042214004 040131042214015
    040131042214001 040131042214005 040131042214019


    And including the following Census Blocks from Census Block Group 040131042271:

    040131042271000 040131042271006 040131042271012
    040131042271001 040131042271007 040131042271013
    040131042271002 040131042271008 040131042271014
    040131042271003 040131042271009 040131042271015
    040131042271004 040131042271010
    040131042271005 040131042271011


    Yucca District

    Composed of the Glendale portions of the following Census Block Groups:

    040130610111 040130610452 040130611002
    040130610112 040130610453 040130611003
    040130610432 040130610461 040130820021
    040130610441 040130610462 040130820071
    040130610442 040130610471 040130820083
    040130610443 040130610472 040130820161
    040130610451 040130611001 040130927101
    040130927102 040130927153 040130927204
    040130927111 040130927161 040130927211
    040130927112 040130927162 040130927212
    040130927121 040130927163 040131096011
    040130927122 040130927172 040131096021
    040130927131 040130927191 040131096033
    040130927132 040130927201 040131096041
    040130927151 040130927202 040131096042
    040130927152 040130927203


    And including the following Census Blocks from Census Block Group 040130927051:

    040130927051005 040130927051014 040130927051022
    040130927051006 040130927051016 040130927051023
    040130927051009 040130927051017 040130927051024
    040130927051010 040130927051018 040130927051025
    040130927051011 040130927051019 040130927051026
    040130927051012 040130927051020 040130927051027
    040130927051013 040130927051021 040130927051028


    And including the following Census Blocks from Census Block Group 040130927181:



(Ord. No. 2784, § 1(Exh. A), 9-13-11)

Editor's note

Ord. No. 2784, § 1, adopted Sept. 13, 2011, repealed § 2-20, in its entirety and enacted new provisions to read as herein set out. Prior to this amendment, § 2-20 pertained to similar subject matter. See Code Comparative Table for derivation.